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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

With finals week right around the corner, the last thing anyone wants to do is study, so here are 42 things to do instead!

1. Watch every movie you own.

2. Write a letter to your Grandma.

3. Clean out under your bed.

4. Online shop for things you don’t need/can’t afford.

5. Build a fort.

6. Sing every Disney song you know.

7. Take 3 showers.

8. Try to master a cat eye.

9. Try on your old prom dress.

10. Bake a cake.

11. Sell some old stuff on Ebay.

12. Play a board game against yourself.

13. Sew a dress.

14. Train for a 5K.

15. Go to Build-A-Bear.

16. Try to give yourself a haircut.

17. Binge watch a new T.V. show on Netflix.

18. Order Insomnia Cookies.

19. Start a game of kickball with strangers.

20. Take a road trip.

21. Start an herb garden.

22. Adopt a puppy.

23. Learn to play piano.

24. Write your bucket list.

25. Call your 5th grade teacher.

26. Stalk your crush on Instagram and like every one of their pics.

27. Learn 10 new words from Urban Dictionary.

28. Memorize a rap.

29. Delete gross Facebook pictures from middle school.

30. Wander in Target for 3 hours (try not to spend all your money).

31. Try to white water raft down the Cuyahoga River.

32. Try to catch a black squirrel.

33. Try to figure out where your favorite celebrity lives.

34. Make the world’s largest pizza.

35. Find your old Tamagotchi and see how long you can keep it alive.

36. Make a flower crown.

37. Visit the zoo.

38. Have a picnic on the Esplanade.

39. Try every flavor of frozen yogurt at Yogurt Vi.

40. Find a dog and teach it a trick.

41. Protest about something outside the Student Center.

42. Try to get a selfie with Bev.

But whatever you do, don’t start studying. Not yet, anyway.

Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.