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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.

 Life has been SUPER (heavy on the super) unpredictable since Covid-19 has hit. One thing that Covid mischievously and hurtfully took away from me was my college experience – the one of many things many of us look forward to! I’m going to cut straight to the chase—my freshman year wasn’t my ideal thought of how I imagined it to be. Having ALL online classes, not being able to participate or attend any college events, NO Greek life, etc. Campus was a COMPLETE ghost town! Of course I was grateful that I was still able to step foot on-campus, get my education and make the friends I have now, but goodness! 2020 was a hard, miserable and overbearing year for all of us. Fast forward sophomore year, 2021, things are A LOT better and so much progress is being made. Despite the cases spiking back up, my college experience is so much better this year. This heat, struggling to find parking spaces, the Starbucks line making me late (yes, it MAKES me late for class, every.single.time), is ALL worth it! Everything that was taken away from me last year I’m finally being able to experience it, and I could NOT ask for anything better regarding college! I am so grateful for this school year.

Please stay cautious, and safe this school year!

India Harris

Kennesaw '24

India is a 20 year old college student who loves expressing her thoughts, views and authentic- self through writing.