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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.

This week will define our future and is most likely the most important week of 2020.  This year has emphasized politics more than ever, and more people are realizing the importance of it. With our constitutional and environmental rights on the line, voting in this election is needed more than ever. 

Plan to not only vote but to also take care of yourself this week. Seldom talked about is the election anxiety voters get during this week, which is a concept called election stress disorder. Whether it is the stress of voting, the nervousness of what and who to vote for, or the anticipation for knowing the results, people can become mentally and physically exhausted. If you want to lessen your nerves this week, here are some tips to make sure your vote matters without losing your sanity.


Social media and news outlets will be hectic this week and it can take a toll on your mental health. If you need it, take a social media break. Try to unfollow and mute any accounts or platforms that drain your energy. Disconnect from the social world and try to resonate with the real world by getting involved in your local community. Try reading the local newspaper for your source of information and not your cellphone. The main idea is that your focus should be shifted on what is most important and not on overopinionated and angry social media users.

Talk to someone

Spend some time with a friend or family member about what you might be feeling. It is scary knowing your future depends on votes, and this feeling is extremely overwhelming. There is so much at stake in this election, so talk to someone you trust about what is frightening you the most. This takes your mind off the anxiety and helps you feel more valid in your emotions. 

Be prepared and patient

The results of this election will not come so suddenly, so just remind yourself to be patient and to not self-destruct. Be prepared and remember that we will likely not know answers to anything so soon. Do not psyche yourself out, and eliminate negative thinking. These things take time, and there really is no way of knowing anything until all votes are counted. 

Remember what you are fighting for 

It is easy to question if your vote truly matters. If you find yourself doubting what you voted for, remember that your vote shaped the future. You matter, and what you are fighting for and what you believe in matters. It is incredibly honorable to vote for not only your rights but for other’s rights. 

Go vote

If the actual voting is what is stressing you out the most, go ahead and do it. Voting is the one part of the election that you can control, so focus your energy on it. Wake up early and vote, and spend the rest of the day taking care of yourself. Whichever method of voting you choose, go as soon as possible whenever you feel the most prepared.

It is normal to feel anxious this week, but know you are not alone in your fears. It is important to not only stay strong for yourself but also for others in this election. Spiraling down a hole of negative thinking will cloud your optimism, which is something much needed this week. Go vote! 

I'm Natalia Duron, a freshman at KSU and a Journalism and Emerging Media.
A collegiette's guide to life from the KSU chapter of Her Campus!