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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.

Fashion is a way to express yourself and your interests. Maybe you want to express yourself in a new way, or you’re just tired of the look you have now. Either way, finding a new style is simple and shouldn’t be a daunting task!

  1. Look for inspiration

Look around for fashion that inspires you. You can find examples everywhere! Watch people on campus and take note of outfits you particularly like. Look at the creators you follow on social media and see if any of their outfits appeal to you. When watching TV, keep an eye out for clothes characters wear that speaks to you.

  1. Build a collection of inspiration

Create a Pinterest board and upload any pictures you might have found when looking around you. You can also search for similar outfits or pieces in the app and add them to your board. When you find something you want to add to your board, look to see if others have added it to their boards as well. As you examine those boards, you can add posts you like to your own.

  1. Look through your clothes

Now that you’ve created a guideline for your style go through the clothes you already have. Finding your style doesn’t mean you have to get rid of your favorite clothes, but it is an opportunity to donate items you don’t wear. This will make room for new clothes you add to your closet that fit your new style. While looking through your clothes, see what you already have that matches your inspiration. See if you can alter pieces of clothes by dying them or cropping them to match the style you’ve created. Many things in your closet can be reworked to fit the style you’ve found.

  1.  See what you can work with

Once you’ve pulled some pieces that you think can fit the new style, see what you can work with. Look at your Pinterest board and see if anything you have can stay the way it is and easily be incorporated into new outfits. Basic essentials like tank tops, jeans, and belts can easily be worked into your new style. See how many outfits you can create with what you have and decide what you need to purchase to complete certain looks.

  1. Shop for the rest of your closet

This part will take the longest, and you can always add it to your closet. To save money and shop ethically, start at a thrift shop. Prepare a list of items you’ll be looking for on that trip, such as shirts or even a specific color you want more of in your closet. Wear something you can easily take off so you can try on the clothes you find. Make sure you try everything on so you can determine if it fits and if you like how it looks on you. Some items may look perfect, but once you try it on, the fit might not work.

You might not find everything you need on your first trip, and that’s okay! Try other stores and go on different days looking for different items. If you have no luck finding a certain piece such as a skirt or specific color sweater, look online and buy from a small business before buying from a company. When the weather changes, you’ll probably want to add different clothes, which means you can look and shop throughout the year.

Hopefully these tips help you to find a style that works for you! Remember that this shouldn’t be stressful and you should have fun while working on your style!

Emily Rubin

Kennesaw '22

Emily is a senior at Kennesaw State University.