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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.

It’s that time of the year again where you will see all the discount candy in front of stores, substantial stuff animals with love quotes on them, and so much more. As we approach Valentine’s Day, many of us already have made plans to spend time with that special someone. We will see couples posting on social media about what their significant other did for them, and vice versa. While some of us are looking forward to this holiday, many of us dread it, as it reminds us of feeling unwanted, lonely, and sometimes depressed. But it doesn’t have to be that, and singles can reconstruct their thinking process on what exactly it is to be “loved.” I’m here to say it’s okay to be your valentine, and I’m going to explain why.

                        First and foremost, before we can accept someone’s else form of love, we must take a self-reflection test in the mirror and ask ourselves, “Do I love me for me?”, “What do I love about myself ?”, “When was the last time I told myself, “I love you?” , “Do I treat myself with the love and respect I truly deserve?”, “When was the last time I told myself I am enough?”. If you are having a hard time answering these questions, then you need to reevaluate your perspective on not only about love but on life. Self-love is the appreciation of one’s worth or virtue. Without it, you will never know how to accept genuine love when it is offered to you. How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you!

                        So, you’re probably wondering, “Well, how do I start to love myself?” Well, I got you, sis! You first need to know that you ARE beautifully and wonderfully made. There was no mistake made when you were created.

Secondly, anytime you look at yourself in the mirror, give yourself compliments, and mean it! Lastly, write down encouraging quotes around your room about what you love about yourself, and honor them! Walk each day of your life with your head held high and know that nothing could shake the love you have for yourself, and when the right person comes along and see the self-confidence you have, YOU will be doing them a favor of allowing their love to enter into your already lovely view of love.

Don’t let this Valentine’s Day discourage you from not being someone’s Valentine. Work on being in love with yourself first and get your boo afterward! Be your own Valentine this year and continue working on being a better you!!


Hello! My name is Morgan Anderson. I am a native of Atlanta,Ga and I am a third year student at Kennesaw State University, majoring in Business. I would like to pursue a career of owning my own business in the future.
A collegiette's guide to life from the KSU chapter of Her Campus!