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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Keiser LAC chapter.

¡Hoy me enamoré!,

esta vez no de la vida;

aunque pensándolo bien, sí, 

porque ella es su remplazo idóneo.


La encontré en la incertidumbre,

la busqué sin planearlo.

Si nada sale de la nada,

ella pudo.


La miré aquella vez

sin imaginarme que sus ojos

serían eternos para mí.


La dejé ir sin darle motivos

para regresar y buscarme, 

aquella noche que la conocí,

olvidándome de que Dios ya tenía preparado

lo mejor para mí.


          Y la volví a ver…


¡Hoy me enamoré,

sin importar el día en el que

estos versos se reciten!

– Marlon Tijerino


(English Translation by Valeria Alvarez)

I fell in love today!

Not of life this time;

or well, thinking about it twice, I did

because she is the ideal replacement.


I found her in the unknown

I looked for her without meaning to.

If nothing is born out of nothing,

she did so.


I looked at her that day

without imagining that her eyes

would be eternal to me.


I let her go without reasons

to come back and look for me

that night I met her,

forgetting that God had already planned

the best for me.


        And I saw her again…


I fell in love today!

no matter the day

these verses are uttered.

– Marlon Tijerino


Photo credits to Andrea Mendoza

Hey there! My name is Marlon Tijerino. I am a Business Administration student at Keiser University Latin American Campus. I am a Nicaraguan poet, and now a writer of Her Campus. My biggest goals are to have my own business and to publish a book. I currently am 18 years old. I also sing in the Choir for my church as a tenor. Don't get surprise if the first time I meet you I try to sell you something. I love jokes and I consider myself as a very extroverted person. Very glad to be part of this chapter!
Valeria is the correspondent and head editor of her chapter in Keiser University Latin American Campus and is a second-semester freshman pursuing a degree in International Business diplomacy. She has an addiction to reading, writing, and cookie milkshakes. She manages her chapter’s club on her campus in Nicaragua and is actively involved in other campus activities as well, but you can usually find her gushing about the latest novel she read, having lots of snacks, and playing tennis.