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Meet Emani Simpson: A Student Playwright

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kean chapter.

Emani Simpson proves that with hard work and motivation any challenge can be overcome.

Trying something new in life can be quite nerve-wracking, especially when you can’t predict the outcome. When you are used to following the same patten throughout the years it becomes second nature. But like I always say, there is no problem with changing things up!

The more open-minded a person becomes, the more knowledge they will gain in different areas. Emani Simpson is a young woman who took a risk that created a success !


Emani Simpson is a theater major at Kean University and was always into the arts. She acted in a couple of plays, worked on play sets, and now she decided to produce her own play titled “Love is Respect.”

She wanted a play that addressed a very important social issue that many people tend to overlook, and that is domestic abuse.

According to Emani, “Love is Respect” is “about teen domestic violence. A girl is in a domestic violence relationship. She needs her family, to help her get through it and to know that she is not alone.”

When anyone goes through a violent relationship the victims tend to block out their support system. It’s mostly because they are terrified of what their partner will do. In difficult situations like this, you have to do anything to get out and save yourself.

If you would like to see this inspiring performance, that already has had a high success rate in its first show that was outside of Kean, you can contact Emani Simpson directly at Kean.edu for the date, location, and ticket prices. Or you can also visit the website Nicole@ nicolesimpson.com for show information as well.

Domestic abuse is not something new and there are help methods available. Some of these help methods usually focus on speaking to someone or seeking counseling, even therapy. Involving your self in social groups that focus on these important topics, as well.

There is a saying that “one person can make a difference,” and this is very true. 

I received my Associate's degree in Liberal Arts Journalism at Middlesex County College. I have a variety of Journalism experience. I was in charge of children's newsletter at a summer camp program. I worked on a news report at MCC about a program called "Give Kids a Smile" and this program provided free dental care to children. I am great at digital photography, interviewing, and networking. I also wrote for two school newspapers.The first was "Quo Vadis" for Middlesex County College. I am currently a second time writer for "The Tower" newspaper at Kean. I am currently the Vice President of Her Campus for the Fall semester 2013 and during the Spring I will be the President of Her Campus Kean magazine. This May 2014 I will be graduating with my Bachelor's degree in Communications/ Journalism.