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Her Campus Kean Creative Corner #1

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kean chapter.

We here at Her Campus Kean love to write. I mean, we would have to love it to be contributers to Her Campus Kean.

However, as much as we love it, we don’t always want to be writing journalistically. We are also creative writers, too!

With new members added to our team, we’ve discussed our love of writing creative pieces too. That got us thinking. Why don’t we try to show our creative side as well as our professional side?

That is why we’re going to try out this “Creative Corner” to Her Campus Kean. This is where our writers can show off some of their creative pieces.

As of now we only have a few contributions, but we hope to get more.



Photo Credit: jvleis http://www.flickr.com/photos/9555503@N07/5095450661/



By: Xirena Wormley

I have to find some way to escape-

It has tangled its self around me & constricts around my neck,

Every time I try to leave him behind.

I’ve tried to be strong- the weight of the good times press against my chest.

Lungs heavy, vision blurry-

The bad times are too much, to handle.


The hardest thing to do is to convince myself that he is not love.

I write this because I don’t know what else to do-

When the person you run to is the person you must run away from,

Maybe it’s time to stop running.

This is not a broken heart.

I am not broken hearted.



The pain he causes voids all the love I could ever have for him.

Yet maybe it’s me who caused all the pain

Maybe I’m the one who started this endless battle.

I keep telling myself that I’m innocent

But maybe I’m not.



Either way two people who are masters at the same game-

should find other opponents.


(all this to say nothing- except I’m not broken hearted)



By Brigit Bauma



to me you’re a man

across the sea you’re a rabbit

truly you’re a rock


I look in the mirror.

I lift my lips in a smile.

My reflection frowns.



A light in the dark

dances like a broken toy.

It doesn’t go out.



The winter chill beat;

a warm breeze kisses the earth.

The earth awakens.


a blue bird lays still

her wee chest no longer lifts

the world does not stop



They say you are gone.

I can no longer see you,

but I still feel you.


Photo Credit: Wikipedia for both http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon & http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Acer_pseudoplatanus_budding.jpg

"Just a girl trying new things!"Brigit Bauma was born in South/Central New Jersey on a farm of all things! Now she always knew that she wasn't born for the farm life, but she gained some great experiences from growing up on one. She wouldn't trade it for the world. She graduated in the top 10 of her high school and recieved the NJSTARS scholarship to go to her community college and earn her Associates degree. Brigit at first went for Nursing, but through a hard semester, found that even though she enjoyed the people and helping others, it was not for her. Always a lover of the arts, Brigit tried out for the musical and got cast as a minor role, which was huge! This helped her find that she wanted to pursue a degree in the arts. Brigit graduated with her Associates in English and Theater. She also earned a 3.75 gpa which qualified her for the NJSTARSII scholarship which she can use to go to a 4 year public school in New Jersey and get her Bachelors degree. Because Brigit wishes to pursue an editing job for a publishing company or magazine, she decided to go to Kean which is close to the city and she can hop on a train right by her school! Brigit has lots of cougar pride and would love to share her love for the arts, fashion, boys, and college experience with everyone!