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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KCL chapter.

You and I both know it, though we may not want to admit it: we spend a little too much time on our phones.  Simple swaps like reading books or watching a show certainly get us off-screen for a while, but I find myself craving a little more creativity when it comes to getting offline.  That’s why I’ve compiled this non-exhaustive list of activities that are actually fun to get off your phone

  1. Create care packages for those in need – In this cost-of-living crisis, members of our community need a helping hand more than ever.  While items like toothbrushes, soap, and hygiene products are usually always welcome at shelters and care centers, people in need deserve small luxuries as well.  A simple bag with snacks, makeup, or perfume can really brighten someone’s day and make the world a better place, one small step at a time.  
  2. Start a bottle brick – Grab your nearest plastic bottle (I know you have one in your room!) and begin the process of starting a bottle brick! A bottle brick is a plastic bottle stuffed to the point of compression with inorganic trash.  Once the brick is complete, several repurposing companies accept them and build structures with them.  Or you could find your own use for them!
  3. Have a fancy Instagram photoshoot – Maybe I lied at the beginning of this article, because these photos will likely be taken on a phone.  However, prepping makeup, hair, and an outfit are all super fun and a great diversion from mindlessly scrolling on TikTok.  Do a full-face, put on a formal dress, and bring a few friends to go do a photoshoot!  Whether you live in a big city or a rural area, your pictures are bound to turn out great.
  4. LONDON ONLY EDITION – Go to the Opera – For a lovely cultural and theatrical experience, go see a show at the London Coliseum.  If you’re under 21 years of age, opera tickets are completely free, so go take advantage of this opportunity and get ready to hear some amazing voices. 
Hello! I'm Adelaide, an international student from the USA studying philosophy in London. I'm super excited to write for HerCampus, especially since it spans across so many universities in different countries. I look forward to writing for you!