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5 practical and budget-friendly last minute gift ideas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KCL chapter.

We all know that 99% of the reason most of us love Christmas are presents (with food being the other 1% of course!). But when it comes to giving gifts, things can get stressful af. As students, things can also get worse 

  1. Food

No harm in adding a cheeky extra to the family Christmas dinner or as a Boxing Day prezzie, because food is a timeless gift. Don’t be afraid to get creative! Some Christmas cookies, a freshly baked loaf of bread, your bestie’s custom 5-page long Starbucks order with a Pret sandwich. Sorted. 

  1. Slippers/warm socks

Christmas is perhaps the only consolation for all the biting winds and endless cold, so make winter hella cozy! Cuddle up round the radiator (because let’s be real, who has a fire?) with these cute USB-heated slippers or these fuzzy socks. Anything fluffy truly is the best gift of all. 

  1. A movie

Why not buy your loved one an experience as part of the festive season? We all probably don’t need more stuff anyways! Play a cheeky game of charades and find out their favourite movie genre, then surprise them with a ticket you got with your student discount

  1. Water bottle/flask

A super pragmatic gift! There are tons of styles and shapes of water bottles and flasks to choose from which makes this present great for everyone! You can save Christmas and the environment, like a superhero Santa Claus ????.

  1. Household items

As students, let’s not lie, we all need this. Seeing your mate’s running low on washing up liquid? Grab a bottle from Tesco. Find yourself sitting in a mound of dust and crumbs when you go over? Get them a small hoover

Remember to look after your wallet too this holiday season!


'Although she but little, she is fierce' - William Shakespeare Green tea addict, poet princess & unabashed weeb - P.M., Priyanka Moorjani, your one-stop shop for all things nerdy.
President of Her Campus KCL!