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3 Books Perfect For a Winter Evening

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KCL chapter.

Winter is officially here, and with the weather turning even colder and the nights longer, sometimes there’s nothing better than curling up in a blanket, with a hot chocolate and a good book, as the rain and wind rages on outside.

Here is my pick of three books that are perfect for those cozy winter evenings:


1) I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith

This coming of age novel follows Cassandra Mortmain, a seventeen-year-old aspiring writer, who lives with her impoverished, slightly crazy, family in an isolated castle in the British countryside. The story is told through her journal entries, which are full of vivid accounts of lively characters in her life, such as her eccentric novelist father, whose been suffering from writer’s block for years; her bohemian, glamorous stepmother Topaz; and Rose, her beautiful, perpetually bored older sister. The unexpected arrival of their new American landlords turns their lives upside down and forces Cassandra to navigate through tricky situations of change, poverty and first love.

Smith wrote the book when she was living in America, during WWII, and desperately homesick for England. This explains why her writing has such a warm, nostalgic feel to it, fitting for a cozy night in.


2) Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

This book is ideal for the more gloomy, stormy nights, because the atmosphere throughout the novel is gothic and dark. Set across the backdrop of the stark, wild Yorkshire moors, the story tells of Cathy and Heathcliff’s passionate yet destructive love. It’s much more complex than a simple romance novel though; it explores themes of revenge, family, betrayal, rebellion, and the complexities of good and evil. Bronte’s narrative voice is compelling, almost hypnotic, and transports you to the bleak and captivating world of the novel.


3) Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

This thriller is a real page turner, great if you’re looking for a suspenseful plot that really sucks you in. The novel follows our nameless heroine as her social position as a Lady’s maid is transformed when she receives a proposal from the wealthy and illusive widower Maxim De Winter. She moves to Manderly, his huge country estate, only to find it to be a dark, foreboding place, seeped in mystery and haunted by the memories of his dead wife, Rebecca. It’s a story full of crime, scandal, and murder, which explores various themes, such as jealousy and identity. The haunting, picturesque setting of Manderly provides both a chilling and intriguing atmosphere, perfect for visiting whilst wrapped up in a blanket on a cold winter night.


Hopefully one of these books can be a good companion to you on a cold winter’s night!

khadeeja saleem

Aberdeen '19

3rd year English literature student
King's College London English student and suitably obsessed with reading to match. A city girl passionate about LGBTQ+ and women's rights, determined to leave the world better than she found it.