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Campus Celebrity: Pierre, How One Pup Stole Juniata’s Heart

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Juniata chapter.


Let’s face it—people love puppies. And puppies have really been making waves on Juniata’s campus. One pup, Pierre Escargot, has completely stolen the heart of students, faculty and professors on our campus. 

Pierre with owners Dan Gray and Katie Szczur, seniors who live off campus

This adorable little guy has no doubt become a campus celebrity overnight. His owners, Dan Gray and his girlfriend of 5 years Katie Szczur, answered a few questions for me about the newest addition to their family.


What kind of dog is Pierre and where did you get him?

Pierre Escargot is a French Bulldog. We call him LP which stands for Little Pierre.  We got him from a breeder in Greensburg, PA.


What’s his favorite toy or treat?

LP’s favorite toy is a soccer ball; he loves chasing it around. He actually has trouble sitting still at Juniata women’s soccer games because of them.


Do you let him eat people food? If so, what’s his favorite snack?

LP doesn’t eat people food, except for Meadow’s ice cream, which he loves.


How have students responded to Pierre around campus?

It seems that people around campus know and enjoy Pierre. My friends, kids I don’t know, my professors and even President Troha enjoy seeing him around. Other dogs around campus love him too because despite his size, he wants to play with them all!


Would you consider Pierre a “Campus Celebrity”? Why or Why not?

I never thought LP would become this popular, I wouldn’t mind if he were a bit less popular actually, but oh well—I don’t want to hold him back. I’ll put it this way: I’m a fairly accomplished baseball player and President of the senior class, but I’d bet any amount of money that more people at Juniata know who Pierre is than who Dan Gray is.


Any shout outs to his #1 fans?

Pierre wants to give Juniata’s women’s soccer team a shout out on their historic and awesome season. He also would like to say hi to Moose, Coach Jesse Leonard’s Springer Spaniel.

This charming pup has won the hearts of people all over campus.

I'm best described as a sushi enthusiast, avid online shoe shopper, and lover of all things social media. Some of my favorite things are sparklers, sprinkles, and urban decay. What more is there to say? Connect with me on twitter and instagram @elise_ani you won't regret it ;)
Juniata Campus Correspondant.