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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.
Como dicen los TikTokers —El chisme de hoy—

If you have TikTok, you may have heard through the grapevine that a certain model with affluential sisters is seeing Bad Bunny. This topic is currently trending on Twitter as well. Now, before we are flamed for discussing what some argue is gossip at the time being (since this isn’t confirmed by either party), this article serves to analyze the phenomenon of why Bad Bunny fans think this is (potentially) a very big deal and why TikTok is seeing many-a-viral-video being posted on the topic.

Firstly, let us discuss the discourse of those on TikTok and why they believe Bad Bunny is seeing Kendall Jenner. The two main instances fans are referring to on TikTok are when both stars were seen leaving the same restaurant separately. The second instance fans have been referring to is a club outing where according to Deuxmoi, a gossip page on Instagram, they saw Bad Bunny and Kendall Jenner kissing at the club and then parting their ways when exiting the club. The investigation into these rumors has gone as far as analyzing Kendall’s nail color in certain pictures surrounding the club event—which some fans may remember is how people guessed Kylie Jenner was pregnant.

Although these details are yet to be confirmed, the Internet is seeing more and more videos commenting on the pair. Emotions have ranged from shock to disappointment. Some fans have gone as far as to compare this situation to a moment Bad Bunny had on tour where he threw a fan’s phone because she desired photographic/video evidence of seeing him. He felt as though his personal space was being violated. During the latter instance, there was a larger debate on whether Bad Bunny should be “canceled.” Ultimately, many fans defended him with the idea that he deserved to have his own space.

Fans of Bad Bunny have thought of the potential conclusions that could come about as a result of the dating rumors. One video explained why most fans were disappointed when they heard of Bad Bunny and Jenner together. The idea stems from female fans of Bad Bunny who felt “Benito [Bad Bunny] was a breath of fresh air for a lot of female fans of reggaeton because he didn’t feel the need to prove his masculinity.” To further explain, reggaeton can be seen as a genre where men are fixated on demonstrating hypermasculinity. The fan goes on to list that Bad Bunny owns his sexuality, is a feminist, and supports the trans and queer community. The fan goes on to argue that the Kardashian family has allegedly disrespected women of color in the past, which arguably goes against what Bad Bunny stands for.


While some videos analyze the social commentary these rumors have left behind in their wake, other videos have made light of the situation. Fans made edits of Keeping Up With the Kardashians with Benito sitting at the dining table with the rest of the fam. There was also a cumulation of edits of the Kardashian family speaking Spanish. Whether the rumors turn out to be true or not—TikTok has provided plenty of material on the matter to entertain in the meantime.

TikTok edit of Keeping Up With the Kardashians
TikTok of Kardashians speaking Spanish
Fabiola (Fabi) Garcia is a double major in writing, rhetoric and technical communication, and media arts & design at JMU. She enjoys reading, watching and making films, and learning new languages.