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My Favorite Rooms From Refinery29’s 29Rooms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

A few weekends ago my best friends Brianne (also a Her Campus writer) and I went to 29Rooms. 29Rooms is an interactive pop up art museum that encourages creativity and inspires art, and we had an amazing time! As the name implies, there are 29 different rooms that you can interact with. The pop up event has a goal of expanding your reality, and I can say that it met that goal with me. You are only given two and a half hours inside, so we had to maximize our time by picking the rooms we wanted to go in. We were looking online for a description of each room, or a map, or a blog post, or literally anything so we could plan (because we are both huge planners) but couldn’t find anything. Don’t worry if that is you right now though, because I’m here to help. Yes, each year the rooms change around a little bit, but I am here to share my favorite rooms from 29rooms! 


Teenage Bedroom: This was a fuzzy, 80’s themed room where we only got 4 minutes inside. We tried to take as many pictures as possible and Brianne and I both got some of our favorites from this room. From the Fuzzy jackets to try on to the fuzzy bed, fuzzy hair dryer, fuzzy notebook and desk… you name it there was so much fuz!



No Filter:  There were two options here where a bright colorful light shines on you and you can get some sick pictures. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look at this…  #nofilter



Dance Break: This room was so much fun! They had a DJ and we just danced… that’s it. Some people really broke it down and busted out their best moves, but I wasn’t dressed for that, but that didn’t stop me from having a good time in this room! 



Transitions: This might be my favorite room at the whole event. It was sponsored by transitions and we got to try on glasses that were also sunglasses. The room was bright so the sun glasses came in handy. There was also a super cool corner where stars were reflected on the walls. This is a must see if they have it again next year!



You are Magic: I love meditation and affirmations and all of that stuff… so this room was meant for me. They were playing affirmations while you can either meditation or simply be in the room.



The Values Stand: This room was amazing and told such a great story. It was a newsstand talking about current issues and encouraging people to make a stance on what they believe in.



Now Casting: Female Storytellers: I am all about being a #girlboss, so this room made my day. We could write a story idea with strong female protagonist, and there was a sign that said “Hollywood can’t win without WOMEN” which is so true! 



A Conversation with Your Inner Child: This room made me ~feel~ the most. Everyone wrote a note to their inner child and placed it on the walls. We went to this once just as the event was closing, so we got to see what everyone else wrote. I would recommend this if they have this room next year. It was amazing to see everyone’s internal dialogue with the kid that lives inside of them. 



I hope this inspires you to get tickets to 29Rooms next year! I bought my tickets in May for the October date, so keep a look out if you want to go next year. As a JMU student, we are only two and a half hours from DC, so this was a super easy trip, and I would 100% recommend it!




Grace is a Senior Media Art and Design major at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She has lived in Virginia her whole life, but plans on moving to New York City after graduation. Gracie loves to travel and plans on being a travel writer post-grad. Her favorite places to visit were either Munich, Germany, or Cusco, Peru. Besides Her Campus, Gracie is in Gamma Phi Beta, works as the Creative Coordinator for Bluestone Communications JMU, and writes for the culture section of The Breeze, JMU's newspaper.
School of Media Arts and Design student with a concentration in Interactive Design. Campus Correspondent for the JMU chapter of Her Campus, Campus Coordinator for Rent the Runway on Campus, and Social Media Marketing Intern for Auntie Anne's.