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How to Get Gym Motivation During the Colder Months

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

It’s that time of year again- the leaves are changing, the wind is blowing, and the temperature is dropping. Although this may mean it’s boots and sweater season, it also means that it will be harder to get to the gym. Making the trek to UREC in the cold weather is definitely not easy, so here are a few tips for how to stay on track during the colder months:

Tip #1: Find a gym buddy (or buddies)

            Not all of us may be into going to the gym with someone else, but it definitely helps when it comes to motivation. The two (or more) of you don’t necessarily need to workout together, but you can keep each other on track when it comes time to go to the gym. If one of you isn’t feeling it that day, the other(s) can keep the motivation up!

Tip #2: Create a schedule

            With our busy schedules including classes, clubs, and social activities, we barely have time to eat or sleep! This makes it especially hard to find time to go to UREC. By creating a schedule that includes working out, it will be easier to stick with it, even when the temperature drops below 50! Block out an hour each day for UREC, and stick with your plan. If something comes up, that’s okay! Everyone needs a rest day now and then.

Tip #3: Buy cute gym clothes

            This may sound silly, but buying cute workout clothes definitely helps with motivation to go to the gym! Victoria’s Secret PINK has an assortment of cute and comfortable yoga pants that are perfect for working out and staying warm. Keep an eye out for sales, or head over to Target for some cute and colorful pullovers.

Tip #4: Keep your eye on the prize!

            It’s easy to neglect going to the gym when your wardrobe consists of big sweaters and leggings, but this won’t last forever! Spring break is right around the corner, and you’re going to need a smokin’ bod come time to hit the beach. Post motivational quotes in your room, or reward yourself by buying an awesome bikini if you stay on track!

Don’t let the cold weather get the best of you, and try out these tips for staying motivated to go to the gym. Throw on that Northface, grab a friend, and think about how awesome you’re going to look by the time bikini season arrives!

Rachel graduated from the Honors College at James Madison University in May 2017 and is pursuing a career in the media/PR industry. She majored in Media Arts & Design with a concentration in journalism and minored in Spanish and Creative Writing. She loves spending time with friends and family, traveling, and going to the beach.