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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Freshman year of college is such a time of change. It is also about learning new things about yourself, meeting tons of new people, and learning to navigate college. Looking back on my freshman experience, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Coming in as a freshman, there are so many things to worry about. The first thing that I was most concerned about was who my freshman year roommate would be. Since I decided to go random with my roommate selection, I really had no idea what to expect. Fortunately enough, while it is a huge adjustment to be living away from home and sharing a room with another person, I was fortunate enough to have a great freshman roommate. Despite our differences, I honestly could not imagine my freshman year without her. After freshman year, most people live off campus, which means you no longer need to share a room with someone else. While this is definitely an upgrade, take the time as a freshman to appreciate your roommate for seeing you through all of your ups and downs.

Another piece of freshman year that every upperclassman wishes they could hold on to forever is Frog Week! This week of the school year as a freshman is the most fun, and arguably, the most important. Even though your week is packed with activities that leaves you with little freetime, I honestly enjoyed every minute of frog week. I loved getting to know the people in my dorm hall and getting to explore the campus before classes start. This is also the one time of the year where you can have as much fun as you want for a full week without having to think about the stress of classes!

Freshman year is also unique in the fact that if you are ever bored, your friends like right down the hall! During my freshman year experience, everyone in my dorm hall was good friends with one another. If I had any downtime or just wanted an excuse not to get work done, I would just walk down the hall and hang out with my friends in their rooms or in the study lounge. Having your friends in such close proximity is a huge perk of being a freshman that I absolutely loved. I honestly wish every student lived on campus for all four years for this reason!

Above all, freshman year is the time when you’re figuring out how to “do college” and it’s a really fun time. It is the only year in your college experience where everything will seem new and exciting, so enjoy it while it lasts!


Lexie is a marketing & music gal, who enjoys listening to Taylor Swift, drinks an alarming amount of cold brew & loves going to concerts!