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The Best New Years Resolutions to Actually Stick To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.


  • Improve your fitness:

    • Now understandably, this is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions you hear going around. Although, the main reason it’s so popular because people actually want to make a change physically. No, don’t go crazy and buy a year’s worth of a gym membership, especially if you know yourself and know you won’t go. Take little steps with your fitness. Maybe take an hour out of your day and clear your head with a nice fast walk or jog. Additionally, take steps in the morning to stretch before doing anything and do some squats or jumping jacks to start your day energized. These little steps can allow for a slow growth into a more fit life, rather than going to the gym once and getting frustrated about all the work you need to do. 

  • Become more confident and take some chances:

    • This one kinda seems like a no-brainer, duh, everyone wants to be confident. Although it’s one thing to actually exude confidence and take chances on a daily basis. This resolution has baby steps that over the course of the year can totally be achieved. Maybe start writing yourself post-it note confidence boosters. Stick them in hidden spots all throughout your apartment or house. It’s a fun way to be slightly surprised and maybe hear some words of confidence you wouldn’t otherwise get. Additionally, start taking chances in everyday life. One of my mantras is: “What’s the worst that can happen?” Normally once I rationalize all the worst possible cases when taking a chance, the possibilities from taking a chance far outweigh the negatives. 

  • Read More:

    • This one seems pretty hard when you already have a full schedule of work and/or school and any other tedious activities throughout the day. Although reading more can be easily achieved by doing it daily in little increments. Try thinking instead of watching a mindless episode of TV on Netflix, give yourself the task of reading one chapter in a book. Even I used to go by the notion that why would I read for fun when I have multitudes of chapters to read for school. It’s truly hard to get past that cognitive block, but once you start looking at reading as a leisure activity as opposed to a chore, it will really change your reading experience.

  • Become Tidier:

    • Now we all get a messy room or kitchen from time to time, although this is an easy lifestyle fix that can change your mood and day. An easy way is to make slight changes to achieve a neater lifestyle is to make your bed every morning. Studies show that leaving your room with a made bed immediately gives off the presence of a more put-together life. Additionally, it’s so easy to leave dishes in the sink after cooking a meal, but simply doing dishes simultaneously while cooking or immediately after eating is a really quick task that avoids a whole pileup of dishes and mess. 

  • Start Saving Money:

    • This one can be quite difficult for most, myself included. Although saving money isn’t rocket science, and in the long run, it can be one of the best decisions you could make. Now I’m not gonna tell you to quit your favorite indulgences like Starbucks from time to time, but maybe every time you treat yourself with a $5 coffee, match that price and put $5 in savings. This little treat that turns into savings can go a long way in the future. After buying a month’s worth of treats 3 times a day, you already have $60 dollars saved. These little steps can lead to a long time return on invested money in savings. It’s never too early to start saving money.

    Lexie is a marketing & music gal, who enjoys listening to Taylor Swift, drinks an alarming amount of cold brew & loves going to concerts!