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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Journaling can be an excellent tool for many different things including self reflection and helping our mental health. However, sometimes it can be hard to actually begin the process of journaling for mental health, so I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite prompts to help get you started on your journey into mental health journaling. Please note, these are purely for reflection purposes and are prompts that I have come up with myself or have gotten from helpful resources and are not meant to replace help from mental health professionals. If you or someone you know is struggling, please use the resources available to you and seek help as soon as possible.



  1. What are the top 5-10 stressors that are negatively impacting your mental health at the moment? For each of these stressors, describe in detail how they are impacting you and your mental health. Write out some words that describe your feelings behind these stressors.
  2. What is one change you can implement in your daily life that would improve your mental health?
  3. What changes do you know you need to make, and which are most challenging? Why?
  4. Describe what you want your future to look like. List 5-10 small goals that you can accomplish now or in the near future to help you reach your long term goals.
  5. What are some helpful things to tell yourself on difficult days?
  6. Did you have any negative thoughts today, and how can you reframe them to be more helpful?
  7. Make a list of self-care ideas you can do when struggling.
  8. What are 3-5 things that you need in that present moment when you are struggling?
  9. Make a list of things that you are grateful for.
  10. What do you love most about yourself?
  11. How do you know when you are nearing burnout, and what mental health issues do you experience?
  12. Are there boundaries that you need to set with yourself or others, and if so, what is the first thing that you need to do?
  13. After a long day, the kindest thing that I can do for myself is…
  14. What are some things that you need to remind yourself of when you are having a hard time shifting your mindset?
  15. What does your authentic self look like? What are some steps you can take towards becoming this version of yourself?

I hope you find some value in these prompts and they help get your started on your journaling and mental health goals. Good luck!

Recent marketing grad from James Madison University and aspiring Disney princess that's obsessed with the Bachelor franchise, my cats, and iced lavender lattes.