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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Cora: This past weekend, I attended a retreat for the LEAD Program. This program was such a lovely learning opportunity and was built to assist students in reaching their leadership potential. Twenty-four other students and I hopped on a bus Friday afternoon to Valley Forge to kick off the weekend. The weekend was filled with icebreakers, workshops, and team building/problem solving activities. I created bonds with student leaders that I always see around campus, but have never before spoken to. Spending the entire weekend with other student leaders was empowering. The passion behind each student for their clubs and organizations inspired me to want to be even more involved than I already am on campus. Through forming connections with other student leaders and hearing their stories, I learned so much about myself and my leadership style. If you ever get the opportunity to, I highly suggest applying even if you’re not sure if you should or not. You’ll never grow if you don’t try new things!


             Kellyn: Just like Cora, I was so happy to attend the retreat for the LEAD Program in Valley Forge. I applied to the program so that I could learn how to be a better leader, but what I didn’t expect was to have as great a time as I did. The weekend consisted of workshops dedicated to learning about leadership and they also helped me learn more about myself. Through all of the lessons that were taught that weekend, I feel like I was able to take a lot away that helped me feel more empowered as a person and a student leader. All of this was wonderful, but I think one of the best parts was simply getting to meet new people and make some new friends. After spending time in class together, going on hikes, and playing some late-night manhunt, it was impossible not to leave with new faces to say hi to on campus. I would highly recommend trying out the LEAD Program to anyone that might be interested and has the opportunity. It was an amazing experience! 

Cora Burns

Jefferson '20

Trying to figure it out and writing about it as I go.
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Kellyn Kemmerer

Jefferson '19

Senior Textile Materials Technology student from a small town in Northeastern Pennsylvania. You can find her watching Food Network or funny cat videos, making lengthy Spotify playlists, window shopping, writing, and reading.