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How To Tackle the First Weeks of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

If you’re just starting out at college, it can be really difficult. You’re starting a new chapter of your life, away from home. College can often be very intimidating. As for those who are returning to college, it can also be difficult to get back into the swing of things after a nice, relaxing summer break from school. Here are some tips that will help you to overcome those first weeks of school:

  1. On Campus Activities
    • Usually, during the first week of school, colleges will host various welcome week activities. The activities could range from a barbeque to movie nights to arts and crafts. Colleges usually do a great job of providing many different events that would cater to everyone’s interests. You should use this opportunity to evaluate your campus’ culture. You can also use this as a way to meet new people.
  2. Daily Routine
    • Although the freedom of college is fun and exciting, you’d be surprised how busy you’ll get in these first weeks. It’s a good idea to establish a routine early on, so you’ll be acclimated to it in the later weeks. A daily routine would include what time you’re waking up and sleeping, eating, going to class, doing schoolwork, and setting aside time for self-care.
  3. Scope Out The Campus
    • To avoid those awkward moments when you walk into the wrong classroom or wrong building, make sure you get to know your campus beforehand. This can be a nice walk to not just where your classes will be held but to note the different areas on campus. You should look for the library, other quiet study areas, the dining halls, and nice places to hang out with friends.
  4. Be Organized and Timely
    • It can be hard to remember all of the assignments, quizzes, and tests that you have. I recommend getting a calendar or planner to plan out your days and get ahead of your work. I have a chalkboard calendar from Target that I love planning my weeks out on. It has helped me to not procrastinate, get all of work done, and submit them on time. It is also very important to be on time to your classes. Especially during the first week of school, you want to make a good impression on your professors and classmates. If you find yourself always being late to class, maybe you could set alarms on your phone to remind you of classes or make your phone’s lock screen your class schedule.
  5. Sleep
    • Sleep is one the most important things for school. You need sleep to be able to feel energized and ready to go to your classes or finish assignments. You also want to avoid falling asleep in class. You should strive to get about 7-8 hours of sleep, even if that means turning in earlier than you usually do. Trust me, you’ll feel so much better throughout your day once you’re well rested 😊
  6. Self-care
    • Self-care is also another essential part of college. You need to give yourself some time each day to get your mind off of your classes and focus on yourself. This can be achieved by doing a skin care routine, working out, journaling/reading, listening to music/podcast, and so much more! You’ll find yourself being more relaxed and thinking clearly.
Riya Roy

Jefferson '24

Hi! I'm Riya, a Senior Pre-Med major at Jefferson! I'm from Northeast Philly and I've lived there my whole life. I enjoy reading, art, baking and binge watching Netflix! This year, I'm one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus Jefferson and I'm so excited!! Hope you enjoy my articles :)