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How to Incorporate Affirmations Into Your Daily Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Affirmations can be a whimsical way to build self-confidence and give yourself a little boost of support. While affirmations may seem like a mystical fad, they are actually grounded in psychological research. They are a practical way to boost your self-esteem and attract the life you desire.

Affirmations are repeated phrases that are created to inspire self-love, feelings of happiness, and hope. Affirmations’ effects are grounded in reality because what our subconscious mind thinks has a lot to do with the actual state of our lives. What we choose to think about ourselves and our lives can subconsciously predict the outcome of real-life events and how we react to them. I am sure you have heard this saying before: what we believe about ourselves and the world around us will come true; this is essentially the power of affirmations.

There are various ways to incorporate affirmations into your daily life, so it is just a matter of trial and error to figure out which way best suits your lifestyle. An easier way is to put your affirmations in your phone as reminders so that you will see them throughout the day. A more involved way is to journal about your affirmations and what they mean to you every morning or evening. My personal favorite way is to meditate on your affirmation every morning for about five minutes using breathing work to aid in the repetition of your affirmation. These are just a few ways that I use however there are many others to experiment with!

There are also some classic affirmations to use for certain goals you are trying to manifest. For example, if you are trying to garner more self-love some wonderful affirmations to use are “I love myself deeply, unconditionally, and forever”, “I am enough”, “I appreciate myself”, or “I can find peace in myself”. Another example would be if you are trying to attract more opportunities and prosperity in your life affirmation for this goal could be, “I am deserving of wonderful opportunities”, “I attract prosperity naturally”, or “I am a magnet for everything I desire”.

Overall, affirmations are a wonderful way to bring more joy and appreciation for life into your world!

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Abigail Slawek

Jefferson '25

Abigail Slawek is a psychology and trauma counseling major at Thomas Jefferson University. She is obsessed with astrology, tarot cards, crystals, and all things witchy! Things she is passionate about are mental health, wellness, and self-love!