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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.


Lately I have been in love with the Wissahickon Trail that you can conveniently jump on, since it is so close to campus. If you walk along the Henry bridge and turn right at the end of it, you can easily take a path that connects you to the Wissahickon. It’s a nice hike with various trail heads if you need a break from studying or writing an essay.


Boathouse row is a great place to bring a couple sandwiches and a blanket and enjoy a picnic by the water.  My roommates and I did it a few times last year when the weather was really nice and it was a great time.  You can watch the rowers and enjoy being surrounded by lots of runners, bicyclers, and people just walking the trail.


Brittany –

With all the beautiful, warm weather we’ve been having, I have a serious case of FOMO (Fear of missing out) and missing the beach. Specifically, I love the beach at sunset or sunrise when there is basically nobody there. While I do live in a major city, the ocean is not that far away. The closest shore I like going to is Belmar, which can be a 45 minute to an hour drive. It’s a very quiet seaside town that makes for a relaxing day by the water.


Kellyn –

Some of my favorite outdoor places are just wooded areas throughout Pennsylvania. I live in Northeastern Pennsylvania and try and always get out once the weather gets warm to explore new places! While that might be a little out of the way from PhilaU, there are definitely places worth looking around nearby if you’re looking for an adventure.

The jefferson team is welcoming, fun, and loving!