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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Since I was little, my mother has always been adamant about having plenty of ginger go into my system. Whenever I was sick, she would make her ginger mixtures, and it worked like a charm. Years later, I’m so thankful my mother did that for me because I really started to understand the benefits of ginger when I researched more about it. Scientific research has also helped prove that ginger is a powerful when it comes to its medicinal properties. It has been connected to helping with digestion to lowering blood sugars. It also helps with pain that comes for us women when we get our periods. Ginger has so many health benefits, many of which can be found with a simple Google search. Now drinking ginger turmeric tea is a part of my nightly routine. And ginger itself is easy to add to certain foods as spices on meats. A small thing like ginger is worth the powerful benefits it has on us humans

Jasleen Multani

Jefferson '26

I am a Thomas Jefferson student majoring in Biochemistry.