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Things I Wish I Could Tell My Freshman Self

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

If I could go back to my freshman year at John Carroll, I would give myself some advice that I could use along the way! Here are eleven tips I wish I knew and that I hope help you through your freshman (or sophomore, junior, and senior) year!

  1. It is okay to cut toxic things out of your life. Whether that is people, activities, habits, etc. you have to remember to value yourself. Although it can be scary to be thrown into a new school where everyone and everything is unfamiliar, give yourself the opportunity to rediscover yourself.

  2. Be friendly! I made my best friend by asking if anyone was sitting next to her on the first day of class. People typically aren’t as scary as we make the out to be in our heads.

  3. Quality over quantity. While you’re working on meeting new people, remember that not everyone is going to be your best friend. You may befriend someone, just to quickly realize they aren’t the type of person you want to associate yourself with.

  4. Teachers are normal people. I know it may be easier to believe that teachers and students have nothing in common, but spend a little extra time with some. Ask questions, go to office hours, etc. and you may just realize that teachers are one of the best resources on campus.

  5. Get involved! Okay, I know this one is really cliché, but I’m the girl that didn’t listen to it at first, so I need to stress it in order to clean my conscious! If you join clubs and activities around campus, you will definitely find yourself making new friends (who may have similar interests to you. Getting involved will also look great on your resume! As you join your clubs, just be cautious not to spread yourself too thin.

  6. You probably won’t wear half of the clothes that you bring. That’s all for this one.

  7. Mental health comes first! Don’t define yourself as your GPA, whether or not you get on the Deans list, etc. School can be a really big load to handle and not have a few mental breakdowns. Find healthy coping methods that work for you. Consider exercise, venting with friends, TV, meditation, etc.

  8. Balance. This one is a big struggle. It also goes along with number 6 a little. You’re going to want to balance school, exercise/sports, clubs, friends, and “me” time. Try not to isolate yourself completely, but make sure to give yourself some time alone. Find a time management schedule early on in the year that works well for you.

  9. Be a little selfish. Sometimes your friends or roommate ask you to go somewhere and you really don’t want to or feel like it. Don’t be afraid to say no. Most likely, they’ll understand and won’t hold it against you. Everyone understands that people are busy and need time to do their own thing.

  10. Be cautious of what you post on social media. Classmates, parents, teachers, job recruiters, etc. can all see your social media. I know you might look so cute in a picture and feel that you need to post it, but stop and think again if it’s promiscuous in any way or shows anything related to alcohol or drugs. Also, be careful of what you caption your pictures as well; these things say a lot about how you view and respect yourself.

  11. Have fun and take opportunities that come your way because it goes way faster than you’ll ever imagine.