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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

1. Apply for Summer Jobs

Naturally, you want to get the hard stuff out of the way first. Apply for the jobs early that you really want!!! Submit applications, do the follow-up calls, brush up on your interview etiquette, and you’ll have a much better chance of landing the job. Make yourself stand out from all of the other applicants in the best way possible. You can do it! 

2. Go through your closet

Nothing says “It’s fully spring” like the uncertainty of weather. This can provide you with the perfect opportunity to cleanse your closet of those godforsaken layers you’ve been sporting for the past five months. As the season continues, it will be nicer and nicer (hopefully), and you can slowly put away your winter clothes and start bringing out your summer clothes. Once that situation has been addressed, you can look at your closet with a cold heart and honestly answer the question, “What haven’t I worn in 6 months?” If necessary, bring a friend who will help you stay strong. Donate your non-wearables to a women’s shelter or have a clothes swap with your friends! It is always shocking how much a clean closet makes it easier to decide what to wear. 

3. Yes! Spring cleaning is entirely necessary!

Continuing on the cleaning theme, go through your junk drawers and storage boxes to figure out what you need and what you don’t. You will be moving back home soon for the summer and haphazardly packing everything you have never helps anyone organize. Even if you aren’t moving, this is a good time to update and touch-up your living area. Re-organizing with the windows open is a cleansing feeling that will help you feel more in control of your area. 

4. Go outside. Take a walk. Ride your bike.

It is FINALLY nice outside. Embrace the warmer weather and take a walk one day instead of watching Netflix. Take a run outside instead of on the treadmill in the Rec. The bikes will be back to rent as soon as the threat of snow is no longer there. Get together some of your friends and go riding around the University Heights area. Whatever it is you do, make sure you are outside while the nice weather is here before it turns to sweltering heat.

5. Eat more produce

Fruit and veggie season is right around the corner. Keep up on your veggie and fruit intake to make sure that you are getting your vitamins and minerals. It will be cheaper and easier as we move into summer. 

6. Garden

While you’re thinking about fruits and vegetables, maybe try your hand and growing your own. Planting and maintaining a garden can be a huge stress-reliever if you have the space and time. Plus, it helps ease grocery bills.  If anything, get some potted flowers for your dorm! 

7. Master the art of kite flying

It’s so typical of spring activities, but I’ve never seen anyone actually successfully fly a kite. I’m beginning to think it is a myth. Send in pictures to prove me wrong? #picsoritdidnthappen

8. Plan a picnic with your friends

You’ll be going your separate ways soon for the summer. Plan one last day together in the park or on the quad, just you and your girls!  It’ll be a great way for you to talk about everything that’s happened in the past 10 months and talk about plans for the summer! Make it a tradition – it’ll create some great memories. Beware of weather, but have fun! 

9. Go to a baseball game

It’s not springtime unless you see men in baseball pants, right? Your choice: MLB or your college team, but just get out there, bring your crackerjacks, and cheer for your team! This can be a great way to de-stress from your day or hang out with your friends! 

10. Study for Finals

I’ve saved the worst for last… It just has to happen sometime. But you just need to buckle down with your snacks, coffee, and favorite highlighter and get it done. HerCampus has faith in you and your abilities! May is coming faster than you think. To prevent panic then, start making summaries of the main topics and subjects in your classes. See Liz Malloy’s blog on studying and you’ll be perfectly set! 

My name is Shannon. I love Parks and Rec, well-timed jokes, and knitting. I'm a busy-body, and I plan to major in Human Resources.
Allison Gall is a senior English major at John Carroll University. She is also a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. While not doing school work, Allison is involved in several other activities, including working with her church and taking Taekwondo. Allison also loves to read and write, sing, play violin, swim, and run. She is also interested in fashion, and she is known among her friends as the go-to person for hair and makeup help.