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Stay Pretty: The Skinny on Your Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Flawless skin, something every girl wants. But how can a college girl have perfect skin what with cafe food, stress, and stupid hormones once a month that decide to suddenly make your face feel like a pizza? Of course, there are serums that claim to be the fix to all of your skin problems, but for a way-beyond-the-college-budget price. Let’s be real, with paying for college and going shopping at Beachwood or Legacy Village every other weekend, there really isn’t money sitting around to fix our skin. So, how do we achieve healthy skin with all of these odds against us?

An avocado & honey facemask will give you the soft, clear skin that you have always wanted. And you can do this in three easy steps!

1.      Pulverize an avocado and mix it with honey until the mix is smooth with no clumps.

2.      Put it in the fridge for 10 minutes, then apply it to your face and let it sit for an hour.

3.      Watch Netflix or do some homework while you wait for the hour to be over!

If a face cleanse is not what you are looking for, add four foods to your diet to work from the inside out. First, be sure to add almonds! They contain Vitamin E, which helps protect your skin from UV light. Another great food for your skin is carrots with tons of Vitamin A, which clears breakouts. Third, dark chocolate (yummy!) has all kinds of antioxidants, which will give you smooth skin. Last one is tomatoes, because they contain lycopene, which prevents your skin from aging and keeps dark circles from forming. So during the busy times of this semester, go heavy on the tomatoes in your salads and meals.

Now ladies (and gents!), go forth and achieve the flawless skin that I know all of you have. And remember to stay pretty JCU!

Brittany, a Senior at JCU, has a passion for tea, books, writing, and London. As an English major, you can usually find her curled up with a good book somewhere on-campus (usually in O'Malley). She loves everything about Her Campus, and she finds it extremely exciting and rewarding to be a Campus Correspondent!