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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Movies I Saw This Summer


Hello, everyone and welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful summer! You may recall that back in May I told you about a bunch of movies that were coming out. Well, your girl delivered and saw ELEVEN movies this summer (thank you, Movie Pass. RIP.) And, since it’s me, I will now rank them for you. So, from worst to best of the movies I saw this summer:


(by the way, SPOILER ALERT all around)

11) Ant-Man and the Wasp

Ugh. I liked the first Ant-Man well enough–after all, Paul Rudd is an American hero. And I really wanted to like this movie, since it finally has a female superhero that at least is a co-lead. Don’t get me wrong, Evangeline Lilly did a FANTASTIC job as the Wasp. But I hated this movie. The plot was just ridiculous. I can suspend my disbelief for a lot of things, but like…..what even was this technology?? Zero of this movie made sense and it was just terrible. No thank you.

10) Deadpool 2

Again, what was this movie?? It at least gets a few extra points for being both hilarious and diverse. We’ve got a power lesbian couple, people of color, the whole shabang. And it was hilarious, don’t get me wrong. But I cannot even tell you what the plot of this movie was. I was so lost. From start to finish.


9) Solo

No one asked for this movie. No one. And after all the controversy with The Last Jedi, we were all a little tired. But this movie was fine. Some of it was very predictable (everyone betrayed Han, big surprise), and some of it was completely out of nowhere (why was Merida from Brave the leader of the weird pirates?? What??). It had Chewbacca, and that was important. It was all right. (SIDENOTE: LANDO CALLS HAN “BABY.” LANDO IS BISEXUAL. LOOK IT UP.  I AM THRIVING.)

8) Searching

So, I do not watch mysteries or scary movies EVER. AT ALL. After Get Out, this is probably one of the freakiest movies I’ve seen. And I personally was on the edge of my freaking seat the whole time like WOW plot twists for days. But, as I said, I don’t usually watch these kinds of movies, so I’m not sure if it was actually good or just new for me.


7) Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

This movie was so fun. I genuinely enjoyed watching it. Was it a movie that I would rave about and demand everyone see? No. But it was not pretending to be Oscar-worthy; this movie was very aware that it was meant to just be fun, and it was. By the way, if you haven’t seen the Onion’s review of this movie, you need to. It’s the only review that matters.


6) Crazy Rich Asians

GROUNDBREAKING. This movie is important for many reasons, the biggest being representation. The movie is set largely in Singapore, and the entire cast is Asian. That is so incredibly important, especially because this movie ROCKED the box office. No one can take away the importance of this movie in regards to diversity. However. I am just not the rom-com type. This movie basically was every rom-com cliche you can think of. I did not appreciate that. But that is just me.

5) Avengers: Infinity War

Wow. This movie just…..broke me. It was a lot. (And it also made a lot of money oh my goodness). It was super cool to see every Marvel character ever all in the same film, and don’t get me wrong, this was a good movie. But I felt like it was just a whole lot of movie for really nothing to happen. Like, everyone died but there’s no way they stay dead, so what was that all for? We KNOW they’re coming back because they’ve already started filming a sequel for Spider-Man. So the whole thing feels a little pointless to me.

4) Christopher Robin

    If literally any other person were doing this ranking, this movie would be way lower on the list. WAY lower. But darn it, Winnie the Pooh is my favorite thing in this world and this movie was just SO STINKIN CUTE. It knew exactly what it was doing to pull on your heart strings, and was so pure and sweet. And the voices of Pooh and Tigger were SPOT ON (RIP Sterling Holloway and Paul Winchell). I loved this movie a lot.


3) BlacKkKlansman

    Spike Lee is back at it again with this true story of a black cop (with the help of his white cop friend) stealthily infiltrating the KKK in the 1970s. This movie is a wild ride, and it gets INTENSE. It very deliberately speaks to today’s political climate and how we are essentially fighting the same racism now as were then. At times it can be a little too on the nose, but overall, this movie is a powerful story that everyone needs to see.


2) Eighth Grade

    Astonishingly, this is the debut film of director Bo Burnham, and it looks at the life of a girl in her last few days of the eighth grade. Somehow, this movie is just pitch perfect in capturing exactly what it felt like to be an awkward, anxious, good-hearted eighth grader. I’m confident that everyone can find some part of this movie to relate to, and the incredible and captivating performances will really draw you right in. A must-see.

1) Incredibles 2

    What else could have been number one?? My gosh, this movie was so good. We waited SO LONG for it and man did it deliver. Honestly it had everything: comedy, mystery, romance, drama, I mean what more could you ask for? This was not a movie that we deserved, but we got it anyway. What a blessing.  


Well, those are the movies I saw this summer! Lots of them are still in theaters, and lots of them are already out on DVD, so check em out!


Grace is a JCU senior, double majoring in Theology & Religious Studies and Political Science. She loves social justice, Disney, and joking about absolutely everything. Her specialty is ranking movies.
Mallory Fitzpatrick is a senior at John Carroll University, who loves reading, writing, and travel.