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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Some of you may recall an article I did in April of last year (https://www.hercampus.com/school/jcu/definitive-ranking-every-animated-theatrically-released-disney-movie) where I ranked all 56 animated Disney feature films. Now, as I did this massive undertaking, I stumbled across some movies that really deserve better from us. There are some real gems here that we do not properly appreciate. So, in an effort to rectify the situation, here are some Disney movies that you should give a second chance (or a first watch):

Great Mouse Detective (1986)

If you are a fan of Sherlock Holmes, boy have I got a movie for you. If the title of the movie didn’t give it away, this is basically Sherlock Holmes but mice. That might not sound great, but listen, it really is. The villain of this movie, Ratigan, is one of my favorite Disney villains (also, he is definitely gay. More on that in October. We’re gonna go over that extensively.) Now, unfortunately this movie does not have all the award-winning songs that the 90s Renaissance movies do, but it is still a genuinely fun time with a pretty suspenseful plot and some great characters.


The Sword in the Stone (1963)

Now, there are a LOT of King Arthur retellings (personally, I am a huge fan of the BBC show Merlin, but that is beside the point). This story is, to be fair, not the best one out there, but it’s pretty good. Parts of it can be a little bit slow and silly–for example, there is a whole sequence where Merlin turns Arthur and himself into fish and then chipmunks and it’s a whole thing and it’s dumb BUT this is still a perfectly respectable movie. It shouldn’t be anyone’s favorite, but lots of people do not even KNOW about this movie, which isn’t fair. This movie is just fine and deserves the same lukewarm appreciation we bestow onto lesser films like Bambi or The AristoCats. (Yeah, I said it.)


Winnie the Pooh (2011)

So, it can be confusing because in 1977 Disney released The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, which is a collection of short films. That film is a cultural classic and perfect, and most people think of that one when they think of Pooh Bear. But there is another that came out in 2011, and this movie is SINFULLY overlooked. It is SO GOOD. Am I biased towards anything with Winnie the Pooh? Yes. But I genuinely do not see how any red-blooded American could watch this movie and not love it. If you ask me, the scene where Piglet is attempting to tie a knot is the greatest scene ever in cinematic history. Truly. A masterpiece. This film should have an Academy Award.

Oliver and Company (1988)

Ever read Charles Dickens’s novel Oliver Twist? It’s a bit of a downer, but this movie is just the opposite. We’ve got music from Billy freaking Joel, including the excellent bop, “Why Should I Worry?” and an adorable little kitten finding his way in New York City. This is such a fun movie. Plus, I’m going to be honest, the villain (Bill Sikes) is SCARY. He is a SCARY DUDE. What I’m saying is, this movie holds up.


Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) &

Treasure Planet (2002)

The early and mid-2000s were an interesting time for Disney animated films. There were a lot of duds (Dinosaur, Home on the Range, Chicken Little), but also some of the best (Emperor’s New Groove, Lilo & Stitch), and these two: Atlantis and Treasure Planet. These films are pretty similar–scrappy young male protagonist goes on whirlwind adventure where he uses his smarts and guts to uncover a secret world, saves the day, ect., etc. (Also, Treasure Planet is really just Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel Treasure Island but in space.) In any case, both of these movies are REALLY GOOD. Atlantis has got diversity for days, Treasure Planet has got incredible animation and a beautiful message, like…these are great movies. Watch them. Love them. Appreciate them.


The Rescuers (1977) & The Rescuers Down Under (1990)

Fun fact: The Rescuers Down Under is, to date (aka before Wreck-it-Ralph 2 comes out), the only animated Disney sequel that was released in theaters–all the other ones were direct-to-video films (someday soon I will rank all of those suckers for you). Anyway, both of these films feature the incomparable Bob Newhart as the voice of Bernard, and are your basic good movie. We could debate which one is better (I personally prefer the first, but most of my 90s kids friends prefer the sequel), and I’m frankly surprised no one talks about these two movies more often. The Rescuers Down Under came out smack in between The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, undoubtedly two of the best Disney movies ever made, so I see how that one could get overlooked. But the original is so great?? Penny and her little teddy bear?? Love it.


All right, well those are some Disney movies you may have forgotten about! Give them a rewatch!


Grace is a JCU senior, double majoring in Theology & Religious Studies and Political Science. She loves social justice, Disney, and joking about absolutely everything. Her specialty is ranking movies.
Mallory Fitzpatrick is a senior at John Carroll University, who loves reading, writing, and travel.