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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Over the past few weeks, the JCU community has been riddled with controversy. There has been discussion about Jesuit values and the LGBTQ+ community. John Carroll, a Jesuit university, allowed the LGBTQIA+ Allies and CSDI to host a Drag Show. It seems that negative people and toxic ideology is ever-present on our small campus. As a human rights advocate and avid Drag Show enthusiast (thanks to my roomie for getting me hooked on RuPaul), the situation utterly disappoints me. To give a tribute to all the Queens out there, I’ve used RuPaul’s Drag Race GIFs to show all the feels.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant towards others with different opinions. Bigots come in all shapes and sizes, from fellow students to faculty and everything in between. It is challenging to keep a positive mindset within a toxic atmosphere. To combat the issue many of us are facing, let’s explore ways to deal with bigots flawlessly.

5 Ways to Cope with Bigotry on Campus  

1. Speak up If you hear injustice statements, say something. While not everyone is cut out for confrontation, it may be worth it to speak your mind. You could ask someone why they believe certain things or inform them of the hurtful dialogue. Bigotry is run on ignorance, so respectfully engaging can be helpful.  

2. Know you are not alone It can feel like the world is pitted against you, but it’s not. There are others who share your beliefs and concerns. There are others who care. There are others who are trying to make the world kinder too.

3. Don’t add to the hatred While it is easy to get frustrated, you absolutely cannot contribute more hatred. Do not hate those who you disagree with or you will become a bigot yourself.

4. Use relaxation techniques to uplift your spirits It is important to vacation from the toxic environment. Although I am sure many of us would kill for a tropical adventure, that is not a reality for mid-semester college students. You can take time to meditate, journal, exercise, or whatever makes you happy. While doing these activities, restrict yourself from thinking about negatives.

5. Be kind to everyone. The world is already littered with hate and injustice, don’t create more. People are constantly being hurt by bigot rhetoric. Let’s try to lift up those who are targets of bigots. Whether LGBTQ+, Drag Queens, or anyone who needs love, be kind! Even be kind to bigots because although they might not respect your opinion, you should still treat them with respect (because you should treat every human with respect.)


6. Keep your chin up and spread the love!

JCU Campus Correspondent