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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jax State chapter.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned so far in life, it’s that girls are mean. And most of the time, it’s for no reason.

My mom used to always tell me, “The more successful you are, the more girls won’t like you.” And that’s one thing I’ve never understood, and I don’t think I ever will. In today’s society, why do girls not believe that we should stick together and support each other? Why do some girls feel the need to bring other girls down, just for being successful?

In grade school, girls got mad for not sharing toys or being invited to share the “cool” table at lunch. In middle school, girls got mad when they got left out. In high school, girls got mad when guys were interested in other girls. In college, though, girls seem to get mad for no reason.

Growing up, I always thought that once girls began adulthood, they realized how insignificant and irrelevant all the drama was… but that’s not the case. Recently, I’ve witnessed girls try to break couples up that they don’t even know. I’ve heard girls make comments about not liking someone because they aren’t in their sorority. I’ve heard, on multiple occasions, girls say, “I don’t really know her but I really just don’t like her.” WHAT? How or WHY does someone have enough time in their day to try to bring other girls down just for fun?

Dealing with mean girls can be frustrating, but can easily be handled.


1.Ignore them. Don’t give them what they want. Don’t let them get to you. If they are trying to bring you down for no apparent reason, chances are… you’re doing something right. Girls will always be jealous.

2.Kill them with kindness. Don’t give in and be rude just like they are. When they’re mean to you, be overly nice. Instead of stooping down to their level and making yourself appear as immature as they are, be nice to them. Being nice to them will only give them more reason to NOT have it out for you anymore.

3.Keep doing you. Don’t give the mean girls the time of day. Go on with your life and surround yourself with the nice girls who empower you. One day, those mean girls will look back on how they treated you and they’ll question why they had it out for you. The mean girls will realize how much time they took out of their days to try to bring you down.


And as always, what comes around, goes around. 


Hannah Knight

Jax State '18

Georgia Native. Panhellenic President. Communications Major.