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What to get each Moon Sign for Christmas

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

A lot of people don’t know this, but you actually have a zodiac sign for each planet as well as the moon! Your moon sign represents how you deal with your emotions and what might trigger certain feelings. Since it is the giving season, I thought I’d provide a guidebook for giving someone a gift based on their moon sign! You can find yours using an online birth-chart calculator or just google what sign the moon was in on your birthday!

Aries moon

These people are highly active in their brains. If you know one, you can tell that they are one and there’s no hiding it. An Aries moons wants something that they can do with you on a physical level. Maybe you take them somewhere they can dance or go on a hike. Something fun and exciting they can do with you would be ideal for these people

Taurus moon

These people yearn to chill. The best thing you can do for them, in my opinion, is cook. Something from you that is food-related would mean a lot to them. They also have a taste for luxury and the finer things in life since their ruling planet is Venus. They might not outwardly show it, but they do have an affinity for flashy things

Gemini moon

Similar to Aries, a Gemini moon probably wants an activity they can do with you but in a mental way. These people also are very likely to express their interests and hobbies to you, wearing them on their sleeve. Gemini people love mental stimulation and bouncing off the people they care about.  Anything like a cute Lego set, a puzzle, or something that piques and reflects their interests would be good for them. 

Leo moon

Let me warn you now, Leo moons are EXTRAVAGANT gift-givers. Giving gifts is a Leo moons’ number one love language. This is an Olympic sport and you are toe to toe with the gold medalist. There’s only one rule here, your gift should 100% outshine theirs. They want to give you the best gift you have ever received because they want to prove that they know you the best and show their love for you. They have a taste for the finer things in life, and there is definitely something specific they want that they have worked into a conversation with you in order to drop a hint. My only advice is to PAY ATTENTION to them! 

virgo moon

Virgo moons aren’t too keen on receiving and giving gifts. When they do, they always want to make sure it’s something nice or practical that you will put to use every day or something that you need that went missing. Virgo moons want to take care of you, and giving gifts that are flashy and void of practicality isn’t their strong suit. A gift that they will love and understand is one that they will put to use. And they will love that they think of you every time they use it! 

libra moon

 Libra moons are, to put it lightly, the most enormous people pleasers in the world. (I know this as I am one myself). Libra moons truly love you, and they are veeerrryyy occupied by thinking about everybody else. I’m not kidding, you could give them your toenail on a necklace and they would love it. The thing they will love the most is that you thought about them. I will add that they still do very much care if you give them a gift or not, but if you are one of the people they are close with that gift could be anything. If you aren’t close, any cosmetics like makeup or skincare will be great. 

scorpio moon

 Scorpio moon people hold their interests very near and dear to their heart. Whether it’s a favorite movie, actor/actress, artist or musician, TV show, anything in the arts that they have expressed interest in (and trust me, they definitely have), would be ideal for them. These are the type of people that fixate on certain things for a very long time and make it known that they like that thing to everyone they care about. Once you figure out what that thing is you need to milk it for all it’s worth just like they do! A cool poster, t-shirt, or some sort of memorabilia will do. 

saggittarius moon

One thing I have picked up on is that they absolutely love to decorate their rooms or personal spaces in a very personal way. Pictures with their friends, the city where they’re from, their hobbies and interests, even little trinkets and objects that remind them of a point in time or a fun event. Things like this mean the world to them. You should get your Sag moon something that they can decorate their space with that holds a specific meaning to them!

capricorn moon

There will always be a similar theme with earth moons and gifts that are practical, a cap moon would appreciate one of those. These are very emotionally deep people, but they will never show it. Something sentimental, like a framed picture with you and them or something that is comfortable that they can put to good use is ideal. Things like slippers, pajamas (maybe of their favorite sports team or cartoon), or a nice hat. And trust me, they will wear those things until they start falling apart. They also love things that are nostalgic to them like movies, music, or anything that brings them back to childhood! 

aquarius moon

These people are always hard to pinpoint. They are an air sign, so they are more intellectual, and on the active side of things. But they are also a fixed sign (along with Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus), so they like things how they are in this current moment and are more likely to be stubborn. These are very unique and complicated people, and the type of gift you should get them really depends on how well you know them. I could see an Aquarius moon loving a new experience, somewhere where sight-seeing is involved or something that challenges their mind to think differently.

pisces moon

Similar to Virgo moons, a Pisces moon wants a gift that shows they are being paid attention to in a practical way. Where they differ is a Pisces’ need for romantics and whimsy. For example, a Virgo moon might want a new hand lotion because it’s the wintertime and their hands get dry, a Pisces moon wants a new hand lotion because they love the smell of it and want to rub it on you when they hold your hand. An added note; they usually love cooking and all things cute and fuzzy! 

cancer moon

Since cancer and Capricorn are sister signs (like Pisces and Virgo), they are going to share a lot of similarities. A Cancer also very much appreciates anything that brings them nostalgia and or something sentimental between the two of you. A hand-written note, one that folds out really fancy and has lots of pictures of you two, would be very ideal. Something homemade that holds nostalgic and sentimental value would be very special for them, and they will literally keep it forever. 

There’s so much more to astrology than your regular sign (called your sun sign!), and there’s so much more to giving gifts than spending money and getting it out of the way. I hope this guide helped you pick out something great for that special someone!

Amanda is a member of Her Campus as of this year. She is a Communications Media major with a specialization in production. She loves music and hosts a radio show at the IUP radio station WIUP-FM every week. Amanda also loves all things astrology and is excited to combine her interests with her articles.