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Ways To Be Confident In The Skin You’re In

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Complete and total confidence in one’s own skin is hard to come by these days. It seems as though no one is completely sure about their place in the world. That doesn’t mean though, that you should give up on trying to find your inner confidence; it’s actually the complete opposite!

Below are some tips that will hopefully help you to find your inner diva.


Find a talent

Everyone has one, even if they don’t know it. Why not take a moment to figure out what you’re really good at -or at least really passionate about- and work to develop it. Most of the time, a lack of confidence comes from feeling that you’re not good at anything. If that’s how you feel, then change it!


Find Your Look

This is a biggie! Sometimes, one can feel self-conscious because they are outside of their comfort zones. Get back into your comfort zone by finding a look that really works for you. Whether it’s clothes, hair, make-up or a combination of the three, find something that accentuates your best feature: YOU! A look that both you and everyone else recognizes as a good fit for you will boost your self-confidence enormously.


Surround Yoursef With Good Friends 

At the end of the day, there are loads of things you can do to try and improve your self-confidence but if you only have people around who are trying to tear you down, all of your hardwork will be in vain. Let go of the negativity. Surround yourself with people who only have your best interests at heart, and who truly think you are fabulous: Just the way you are!