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Wait, Summer Isn’t Cancelled?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Hold up a sec. NOONE told me that summer was going to happen this year. In reality, who know though. I know everyone is thinking the same thing. Can we still go to the beach? How could I go out looking like I do from the aftermath of the pandemic? How do I gain my confidence back? How do I socialize again? We’re going back to in class in the fall, how am I supposed to do this? Everything right now is not stable and I know this is affecting a lot of people. These are all questions going through my mind right now also.

Thought Bubble
Rebecca Hoskins / Her Campus Media

To be honest, we are all in the same boat and that would be going into the unknown. College is HARD and what is making it impossible right now is the stability. One minute we are in person, next online, next hybrid, now going to be in person, but what if the pandemic starts up again? We don’t know. That is the scariest part. I personally feel like I’m being robbed. Robbed of an education, experience, social life, opportunity, and finally achievement. I cannot walk across the stage, meet new people, get experience in my field, have my one campus jobs, and so much more. We can all agree on one thing though, this pandemic SUCKS.

Person holding white scroll
Photo by Ekrulila from Pexels

So back to summer, the beach, the bikini, the body. Three Bs we all dread. Being judged is hard but the worst person on yourself is you. Everyone at that beach is insecure about something and has no room to judge another. Always remember that looks aren’t everything and what’s on the inside is what makes you the person you are. So, summer isn’t cancelled and you can go out and go swimming again, you can go for a walk, you can be outdoors. But remember, the pandemic is still here and we should still be safe so if you go places please be courteous to others with social distancing and mask wearing.

Anna Shvets via Pexels

Confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear and it’s the newest fashion item for this season.

women with different body types
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Alicia is an aspiring doctor. She intends to graduate from IUP in 2022 and attend Medical School directly after to become a medical doctor specializing in pediatrics. She enjoys watching movies, hanging with friends, and community service. She is a dog lover and has a pug names Porky that makes her smile on her worst days. Family is everything to her as you probably have read.