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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

1. Finances

Entering college you will realize that having you parents around wasn’t as annoying as you thought. Literally everything has a price on it whether you know it or not. Tuition, books, food, toiletries, BREATHING…you name it. Don’t stress yourself out though. Save while you’re in high school or over the summer. You can even get a job up at school whether it’s on or off campus. Applying for scholarships is also very beneficial. If you’re not elegible for scholarships, consider applying for low-interest loans! But be careful as you do not want to ruin your credit score (yes, you have a credit score even if you think you don’t) and end up in never-ending debt!l

2. Boys

DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT stress yourself out over boys. Yes, on movies and TV shows you’ll see that you’re guarenteed to meet “the one” in college. This is not always the case. You will have time. You have the rest of your life. Do not go to college with the intent of finding a boyfriend because it can come off as desperate, and truthfully since the age group is so broad and there’s way more freedom, us females are 10 times more likely to be targeted as someone’s object. Not to say everybody you meet has bad intentions, but just be patient. Your time will come. Just because they’re older doesn’t mean they’re mature or willing to commit. 

3. Be involved 

Try something new! Do not sit in your dorm all day regardless of how socially awkward or shy you are. You are guarenteed to break out of your shell one way or another. There’s something for everyone on campus. You wanna play a sport just for the fun of it? Try intramural sports. You wanna surround yourself with a group of people with the same interest? Join a club. I promise you that you will not get the same experience if you don’t get out of your room and network. BE SPONTANEOUS. 





Hey! My name is Jaida and I attend Indiana Univerity Of Pennsylvania. Im currently undeclared in health and human services but I plan on switching over to communications media.