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Surprisingly Good For You Snacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Between classes, jobs, and extra curricular activities, what collegiette has time to make sure they are always eating healthy? I know I don’t. With college comes late night snack binges, cafeteria food, and abnormal amounts of Easy Mac and Ramen Noodles. Most people see college as an environment where it is difficult to eat healthy, but what some collegiettes may not know is that they don’t have to eat only salads and carrot sticks to stay healthy. Some of the snacks that would normally be deemed “unhealthy” are in fact quite the opposite! So the next time you need a little refueling between classes or at the library, consider one of the surprisingly healthy treats.


Dark Chocolate

Valentine’s Day just passed, and whether cupid has struck your life or not, you probably had a bit of the dark chocolate that day. Luckily for us, dark chocolate has many health benefits, according to WebMD. Studies have shown that it can lower blood pressure and can even protect against type 2 diabetes. Dark chocolate also contains vitamins and minerals such as potassium and iron.



I figure this one would be a relief to those of you who sit down at 8pm every Tuesday night to watch Pretty Little Liars with a bowl of popcorn as your only companion, but before we get started, I should point out that this doesn’t include popcorn if it is smothered in butter and salt (hello, movie theaters!). Nevertheless, popcorn is rich in antioxidants that prevent cell damage and have disease-fighting properties, according to an article in USA Today. These are the same type of antioxidants that can be found in fruit!


Chips and Salsa

A party favorite, chips and salsa is healthy in many different ways. For starters, salsa is made from tomatoes and contains other vegetables that, according to Kristie Leong M.D., are being studied for their role in preventing certain types of cancer. Salsa also is very low in calories (about 5 per table spoon!); so when eaten in reasonable portions, it will not only be delicious, but will not pile on the calories. Eat them with multi-grain tortilla chips and you will have a healthy, enjoyable snack.


So the next time you need something to munch on, try one of these guilt-free snacks. Not only do they taste good, but you can also remind yourself with assurance that they are good for you!



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