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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

I have (almost) always treated my academic career as a full-time job. I have put forth a great deal of time, effort, and energy into it. More often than not I have passed up a night out with friends to study for hours on end.

If I had to choose between my social life and my academic workload, I would always choose the latter. Although I don’t necessarily regret it, a friend of mine told me something that completely changed my perspective: you only have one college experience.

Up until recently, I felt as if I had “been there, done that”, especially considering how chaotic and crazy my freshman year was.

It was then that I realized that I had been a passive participant in my own life for far too long now.

Already, it feels as if I have lived so many different lives. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve grown accustomed to fading into the background. These moments become memories, and the memories will be forgotten.

And yet, I have found myself increasingly nostalgic for a life I have yet to live.

Today is my birthday.

How fitting.

Michaela Shaw was the vice president and senior editor of the Her Campus chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania from 2020-2022. During her time as an undergraduate student, Michaela was also a member of Active Minds, Alpha Kappa Delta, the National Society for Leadership and Success, Sociology Club, and Psi Chi. She also volunteered with Hopeful Hearts, a grief support group for children and families. After completing an internship at Allegheny County Children, Youth and Families, she graduated in August with a dual baccalaureate in Psychology and Sociology and a minor in Child and Adult Advocacy Studies. She likes video games, reading, rainy days, vinyl records, Thai food, and spending time with her cat, Ron.