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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.
The semester is almost over and you may feel a mounting pressure from the past year. Maybe you come home and you just can’t seem to get comfortable; either way you know you may need a change. The perfect way to transition from winter into spring is to do a little old fashioned spring cleaning. I know you may be tired of hearing your mother advise you to do this, but it is actually a very good idea. During the winter we tend to hoard things, and we don’t mind the lack of space and/or organization in our dorm rooms or apartments because it creates a false sense of heat.  The more cluttered a room is tends to make it feel like there is no space, air, or room to breathe, which may not bother you as much when it’s freezing outside. However, now that spring is hear wide open spaces and fresh air can make a person feel cool and relaxed.  Here are a few tips to help you have a successful spring cleaning.
1.Make a plan: If you have a big space to clean try to plan out where you should clean first.  For example: cleaning off tables, cleaning the kitchen/bathroom , and organizing closets or desk should be among the first things to clean. Washing mirrors, glass, and windows should go next; and floors should always go last. Floors should go last because while you are cleaning everything else, things may get on the floor and also because the floors may need time to dry.
2. Throw away/ donate useless things: If you have piles of paper from past semesters or even old mail, throw them away. Also if you have clothes, shoes, or electronics that you don’t have any use for donate them so that someone who really needs it can put it to good use. 
3. Enjoy: Now that you have done away with the useless, and have cleaned your home, you can now enjoy a stress free spring and summer. You will be able to feel how much cooler it is, and how much more relaxing it can be to have space.
Happy spring cleaning!
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