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2024: New Year, New Me?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

The term “new year, new me” is something you hear quite a bit around this time of year. Usually the people who say it end up not changing at all, so saying “new year, new me” doesn’t make sense. So in the coming new year, I will be in my “new year, better me” era.

What I mean by “new year, better me” is this coming year, I will be doing things that will be for me, and my mental health/physical health.

2023 has been a tough year for me, mentally and physically. I struggled with my mental health so much of this year; thankfully I have an incredible family and amazing friends by my side to help me through it. I had a major surgery in June, so the few months after that was spent healing.

Now that I got all that out of the way; I will be getting into what this article is actually about: my new year resolutions!!

  • Starting off I want to start going to the gym. Now I know what you are going to say: ughhh soooooo basic! Listen, I know it is basic, but I am so serious about it. I bought my membership already, and I would start going now but the planet fitness isn’t open yet so I gotta wait for that.
  • Second, I would love to travel more. I have a couple trips planned already; one to South Carolina, and one to Minnesota. I would like to plan more, but that is hard when being a college student. While I do work, I have bills that do need paid, so obviously those come first.
  • I want to put myself out there. In other words, I would love to be more confident. I used to be a very shy person growing up; that changed in culinary school. It brought me out of my shell, and has stayed that way. That doesn’t mean that I still don’t get nervous to approach people and say hi, or talk in front of a large group of people. I would like to work on that, for my own sake.
  • Lastly, I would like to put myself first. Putting others first isn’t necessarily always a bad thing, but when you never put yourself first, it can be. I need to be able to care for myself the way I care for other people. I want to put my feelings first, without feeling selfish. I need time for myself, to just relax and take care of me.

Those are my main resolutions for 2024. I am really hoping for a good year, as this one wasn’t very good for me. I do have more little resolutions but I just wanted to highlight the more important ones to me!

Jordan McDonald is the social media chair at the Her Campus at the IUP chapter. She oversees the social media team and makes sure the team reaches the requirements for the media. Beyond Her Campus, Jordan has done an externship at French Lick Resort for her degree in Baking and Pastry Arts. She is also a member of Eta Sigma Delta, which is a honor society for business students. She is junior at IUP studying Hospitality Management. On top of school and clubs she is in, she works part time. In her free time, Jordan enjoys going to concerts and spending time with her loved ones and her two cats, Pumpkin and Boots. She is a Gilmore Girls fanatic and is a big follower of Harry Styles and Taylor Swift. Jordan encourages everyone to treat others with kindness because you never know what someone is going through.