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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

When it comes to situationship heartbreaks, I know all about it (unfortunately)! Whether they ghosted or friend-zoned you, or you’re just tired of their games, there is always something that you can do to recover; something that can get you on the right track of healing your inner peace.

First, RECOGNIZE YOUR WORTH! This is so important. Don’t let another person’s actions make you question your worth. If someone is making you play a guessing game, then they don’t deserve you. If they want you bad enough, they should be showing it. Like people say… if they wanted to, they would!

Second, ask yourself if closure is possible in your situation. If you don’t want to reach out, especially if they ghosted you, then that’s okay. There could be situations where closure may not be necessary. For example, if they friend-zoned you. Sometimes when a person friend-zones someone, they’ll say, “Oh, I’m just not interested. Maybe we’re better off as friends,” or “I’m not ready for a relationship,” etc…

Third, do whatever makes YOU feel good! Whether that’s hanging out with your friends, reading, dancing, crying and eating ice cream, watching movies/shows, etc… Doing what makes you feel good will help you feel better, no matter what emotion you’re feeling.

Fourth, REFLECT!! Each relationship/situationship you have should teach you something. And sometimes, they’ll teach you the same thing over and over again, and that’s okay (you’ll learn eventually, right???)! Ask yourself, “What’s the lesson from this?” and remember that your worth hasn’t changed!

The pain of a situationship break up may linger, but it won’t last forever. You will always have people who are there to support you, even if you don’t know it. Or you could always just hop into another situationship because you know… YOLO!

Jordan McDonald is the social media chair at the Her Campus at the IUP chapter. She oversees the social media team and makes sure the team reaches the requirements for the media. Beyond Her Campus, Jordan has done an externship at French Lick Resort for her degree in Baking and Pastry Arts. She is also a member of Eta Sigma Delta, which is a honor society for business students. She is junior at IUP studying Hospitality Management. On top of school and clubs she is in, she works part time. In her free time, Jordan enjoys going to concerts and spending time with her loved ones and her two cats, Pumpkin and Boots. She is a Gilmore Girls fanatic and is a big follower of Harry Styles and Taylor Swift. Jordan encourages everyone to treat others with kindness because you never know what someone is going through.