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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Anger can be like a disease. It can be treatable and temporary or it can be long-term with no end in sight. Many of us have been through a relationship- family, friendship, romantic- that ended on bad terms. Whatever the cause was, more often than not we don’t get an apology. We face frustration with the injustice of having our feelings invalidated or belittled by someone we thought cared enough to listen. We grieve the loss of a friend who meant the world to us. The anger of what you went through festers- why don’t they feel remorse? Those feelings will destroy you from the inside. You must learn to let go. Stop asking yourself what you did wrong. Accept what happened and decide how you’re going to move on from it. To move on, you have to let yourself forgive, but don’t forget. You are allowed to forgive someone while not letting them back into your life. Forgiving is letting go of a grudge against a person but does not require you to let them back into your life to hurt you again. You will grow from this pain and it will be useful to you someday.

Madison is a nursing major with a drive to make a positive impact on others. As head CC, Madison collaborates with her co-CC to make the IUP chapter fun, welcoming, and creative! Her Campus has opened the door for opportunity and friendship for Madison that she hopes to share with others.