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How to Have it All in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

College can be overwhelming, to put it simply. It’s not always easy to manage good grades, maintain relationships, juggle a part-time job and have that real-life experience for your resume. It can definitely seem impossible at times. Here’s the thing no one tells you: every single day you have a choice. For me, I plan my life out almost a little obsessively. I don’t love to have too many open blocks of time during the week where I have nothing going on. I am a big believer in productivity and working hard now to play later. Advice that I’ve received from people that have come out on the other side: It’s nothing compared to the real world. College can seem like a lot when you’re living it, but a full-time job where your finances depend on it is a whole different ball game. Life can still get overwhelming regardless of what phase you’re in. 

So how can this help you now? 

Start planning. I’m so serious about this tip. Spend 10 minutes each night writing down everything you need to accomplish the next day. For me, writing these things down keeps it out of my mind for the time being. Otherwise, I am constantly stressed and worried about the things I have yet to complete. I know that I have it written down so it can’t be forgotten and it isn’t something I need to constantly remind myself of. I sleep better at night not thinking about all the tasks that come with the next day. 

Prioritize your time. I don’t believe there is a set-in-stone outline of what matters most. For me, my priorities are constantly changing, because life is constantly changing. Sometimes school gets the best of me and I need to move that to the top of my priorities list for the day. Other times I will have moments where I realize I haven’t spent time with my best friend in over a week, so I adjust my priorities to make time for her. It’s all about balance.

Know that everything is not going to go smoothly all the time and that’s okay. Failing a quiz will not be the end of your life. Breaking up with your boyfriend does not mean you will never find someone again. Not landing that dream internship does not mean you will not someday land your dream job. Failure is inevitable, so instead of allowing it to get you down learn to grow from it. Don’t let your failures go to waste and try your hardest to not repeat them.

The moral of the story is there is no such thing as a perfect life or “having it all” but you can work to improve things for yourself. Make the most out of your time in college, even if that means staying up until 2 a.m. one night to cram for an exam because it was your friend’s birthday, or you have to say no to plans to finish an assignment or take care of yourself and have some alone time. Do what is best for you and everything else will fall into place. Just know that you are enough and you’re doing great, sweetie. 

Hi! I'm Kristy and I'm studying journalism and public relations at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I'm so excited to graduate this May and plan to relocate to the D.C. area!