This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.
When outside:
- Layers!! My favorite method when going out in the winter is leggings under my jeans and a hoodie under my winter coat.Â
- Move around. Moving will warm up your body by causing a rise in your body temperature. Just be careful not to sweat, as that will make you colder. Â
- Heat packs. They’re cheap, great for keeping you warm, and a nice stocking stuffer for that one friend that’s always freezing.Â
- Stay hydrated. Being properly hydrated helps your body regulate its temperature. Dehydration can make you feel colder as your body struggles to maintain a stable temperature.
In your house:
- Hot food and drinks. Soup and hot chocolate lovers, now’s your time to shine.Â
- Heated blankets. They’re a great way to keep yourself warm. If you don’t have the money for one a heating pad works amazingly as well. Â
- Warm up your bed. Before you start getting ready for bed place a heating pad or hot water bottle on your sheets. You can also throw your blanket in the dryer for a few minutes. Â
- Rugs. They’ll keep your feet warm, and your room insulated.Â
- Use a space heater. If you just need to warm one section of your house, use a space heater to save on your electric bill. Â
- Put drapes/curtains over your windows. This will help keep the heat in and the cold out.