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Goodbye Negative, Hello Positive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.
Goodbye Negative, Hello Positive

“New Year New Me!” It’s the saying you hear every year, on the same day, all day, January 1st. Though why do I have to wait until the New Year to change and be happy? I realized in July that I was way to negative. I looked at everything in a horrible way and didn’t care about anything. I decided after a Saturday night party that I was going to change my life for the better the following day.

“New Day, New Life, New Me” was my saying. I knew when I woke up the next day I was going to treat myself differently. I blocked people that brought negativity into my life. I joined groups upon groups in college to keep myself busy and to meet new people. I started to do all the things I’ve wanted to do for such a long time.  I started to eat healthier, work out, go tanning, sing around to Taylor Swift in just a big oversized t-shirt, and started paying attention to only me. I couldn’t’entertain anyone else anymore. I suggest you do that same.

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1. Kiss all the negativity in your life goodbye!

Block the numbers of the people who cause you stress. It may be hard, but put yourself first. If you continue to let the stress of other people affect you, you will end up draining yourself of any positivity.

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2. Do what you have always wanted to do!

Step out of your comfort zone! Eat healthier meals, or eat ten doughnuts. Go to the gym or watch The Office all day on Netflix. Go talk to your neighbors or text the boy that you have always found cute. Do something that’s exciting and adds positivity to your life. Do whatever makes you happy!

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3. Make Goals and Stay Committed!

This is a huge one! Get a planner and write down all of your assignments. Write down your goals for the next day then as you accomplish them, cross them off! Doing this will make you feel productive and happy!

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4. Be Grateful!

Remember that everything happens for a reason! Yes the line to get coffee is super long, but maybe if it wasn’t, you would have ran into someone not paying attention and dropped said coffee. Be grateful for how everything worked out, along with how happy you are. Always take a step back from life and realize all the good that is happening around you.

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Why wait until the end of the year to be happier? So many people live their life negatively. Be free. Dance around in a oversized t-shirt, blaring Taylor Swift while eating doughnuts. If it makes you happy then what’s stopping you? Say goodbye to all the negative and hello to all the positive!


“The best people in life are free” -Taylor Swift, New Romantics

(Gif via giphy.com)

"She remembered who she was, then the game changed."