On both sides of my family there a plenty of different holiday traditions maybe your family can pick up for this holiday season.
The Christmas Piñata
Every year on Christmas Eve my family gathers and lets the kids from toddlers to middle school line up by age to get a chance to take a whack at the piñata. It’s filled with the normal things like candy and pocket change. This was definitely one of my favorites as a kid.
Christmas Grab bag
I know a lot of families that do a Christmas grab bag where all the kids in the family from infants to until you graduate high school each gets assigned someone else to get a gift for. In my family we have a limit of $25 so no one feels left out.
Christmas Family Quiz
My grandmas’ infamous words are “I’m going to quiz you on this” so for the kids who are too old to be in the Christmas grab bag and hit the piñata my grandma sets up all little quiz asking questions about the family. For instance, naming her mom and dad, how many kids did they had, what are their names, name their kids kids and so on. She also included questions about Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh.
Christmas Saran Wrap Ball Game
I know there is many different variations of how people play this game. What my family does is the person with the saran ball has one hand behind their back as they try to use their other hand, that is in an oven mitt, to untangle the ball. The person clockwise from them is rolling a set of die and has to get a pair in order to take the ball from the other person. In the saran ball you can put anything you want in it like gift cards, candy, money, scratch offs, etc. This one is definitely going to make you and your whole family laugh although if your family is competitive like my family, be prepared for some injuries.
White Elephant
I’m pretty sure everyone knows how a white elephant gift exchange works but just in case you don’t know, basically everyone gets assigned a number. The number you are assigned tells you when it’s your turn to go. During your turn you have the option to take a new gift from the pile of gifts or to steal someone else’s and the game continues until everyone has a gift.