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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Fall, for some people, is the best season and it’s not hard to figure out why. If you’re not a Fall fan, here is a list of reasons to convince you why Fall is the best season.

1. Leaves

(Photo by Valu Home Centers)

This time of year the leaves change into reds and oranges and it’s hard to argue that they aren’t beautiful to look at. While raking may suck, the leaves changing colors just make you marvel at Earth’s beauty.


2. Pumpkin flavored food and drinks

(Photo by Hungry Girl)

Pumpkin flavored things makes life 100 times better. Whether it be pie or lattes or both, adding pumpkin just makes it 

3. Football

(Photo by Alex Korolkoff)

Football starts in late summer and continues into Fall, which makes Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and some Mondays so much better. Even if football isn’t your thing, you have to be thankful the specials that come at some food places when your local team is playing.

4. Halloween

(Photo by History Channel)

The time of year where you can dress up in crazy costumes and eat tons of candy. Who doesn’t love that? And if you’re of age, Halloween parties are probably the best part of the entire semester. Bonus points for you if you don’t plan on going as a cat!

5. Campfires

(Photo by Youtube)

Bonfires at the end of Summer are always great, but bonfires in Fall are just so much better. The cool crisp air makes the fire so enjoyable. Add in some friends, s’mores, and hot chocolate and you’re in for a great night!

6. Fall fashion

(Photo by Bright on the Day)

Fall fashion includes boots with chunky socks and wearing scarves, which is some of the best clothing to wear. You finally don’t feel like you’re melting by the time you get to class and you have not been lost underneath all of your winter gear just yet. Fall fashion is definitely worth all the hype.


Whether you love Fall weather or hate it, it is a time of year where everyone can find something to enjoy. Happy Fall!

I am a junior at IUP who hopes to one day major either in Public Relations or Political Science with an obsession with music.