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7 Downfalls of Having It All Together

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

We all know that person. The one who just seems to have it together at all times. We look at these people and we envy them and wonder how they do it. How can one possibly balance every aspect of life and never miss a beat? However, if you are that person, you know there are multiple downfalls of having it all together.

1. You set unrealistic expectations for yourself.

Whether it be striving to have the “perfect” look or to excel in everything you do, you often find yourself setting expectations that seem a bit far-fetched to those around you.

2. The anxiety caused by the thought of failure.

Failure is a natural part of life, but for the person who has it all together, failure can be detrimental. With expectations higher than most, you often stress yourself out at the thought of not meeting your own expectations.

3. Lack of sleep.

You often find yourself completing assignments and tasks weeks in advance and triple checking your calendar to make sure you stay ahead of the game, which inevitably leads to many nights where you never seem to make it to bed.

4. Lack of spontaneity.

Your friends decide to have a movie night on Wednesday, but your to-do list isn’t complete yet and you still have to head to the gym. You’ve missed out on some great spur of the moment fun in order to keep everything in your life running smoothly.

5. Lack of personal time.

Having it all together often means forgetting to sit back and take a breather. You never seem to have time to relax without feeling like you could be doing something else.

6. Calculated movements.

Having it all together also means looking like you have it all together. You spend more time than you’d like to admit wondering who is watching you and making sure you look like a person who has it all together.

7. The expectations of others.

People often comment on how you have it all together and that makes you feel like others expect you to be perfect all the time. The idea of not meeting someone else’s expectations causes more anxiety than not meeting your own.

Having it all together isn’t a bad thing. You’ve accomplished things you never thought possible, but at the same time you’ve put more stress on yourself than you may even realize. Remember to take a step back and live in the moment sometimes, that to-do list can always wait until tomorrow.

Danielle Jones is from Jeannette, Pennsylvania--a small town with big pride. As an English, Writing major with a minor is Business Administration she loves words and truly believes in their power. She is currently one of two Campus Correspondents for Her Campus at IUP. In her free time, Danielle enjoys reading, writing, and all things Shonda Rhimes.