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5 Steps to a More Positive Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

We all have our frustrations and bad days- espeically in the stress of college.  Sometimes we feel so low in life and want to cry all day.  It’s important to remember that each day is brand new! For most people, a positive attitude can make all of the difference! Her Campus has 5 simple steps for a more positive life!

1. Just breathe.  Taking three deep breaths when you are frustrated can help clear your mind of all the negativity.  Sometimes you just need to stop what you are doing, take a few steps back, and relax.

2. Erase unnecessary negativity in your life. Putting yourself in other people’s troubles, problems, or drama will just take you down with them.  If someone is bringing negativity into your life, delete them.  Erase anything that only hurts you and is in the way of your happiness.

3. Do the little things each day.  A simple act of kindness everyday can bring a positive energy into your and others’ lives.  Smile at a stranger, pay for the person behind you in line for coffee, give someone a compliment; a few words could make someone’s day. 

4. Read a motivational quote.  Each morning when you wake up, read an inspirational quote to start your day.  There are apps on mobile devices that will send you a quote automatically.  A few sentences can brighten your day and give you strength and hope for a fantastic day.  Starting your day off positive instead of negative will boost your energy by a ton.

  5. Find something you love and believe in yourself.  Surrounding yourself with something you love makes life so much simpler and happier.  Find a hobby or join an organization and put your all into it.  Love what you are doing and positivity is right in front of you.  Believe in yourself that you can accomplish everything you put your mind too and don’t let anybody tell you differently.

 Positivity in your life is the most important thing that only you can control.  Believe in yourself and fill your mind with happy and positive thoughts.  You can do it! 

Hellooo! I am your average teenage girl besides all of the quirkiness and energy I carry along with me :) I am a freshman at IUP and is looking to change my major to business management and exercise science!
Hi I'm Amanda! I am a former Nationals Intern, and former CC of Her Campus at IUP. Currently living in Pittsburgh, and adventuring where ever the world takes me!