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Tips & Tricks for the Ultimate Attitude Adjustment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

So you’ve reached the point of mild depression, questioning everything about your past, present, and future. It happens to all of us so what do we do? The answer is clear unless you have amazing friends that will throw an epic attitude intervention…

…we give ourselves an attitude adjustment. Take your time being down in the dumps, take all the time you need. But when you feel like you’ve had enough, pick yourself up and shake, shake, shake it off. 

1.  Treat yourself…to a cupcake, a sandwich, a pumpkin spice latte (no judgment here, we’re all basic in the end). Buy it. Enjoy it. Buy the 20 chicken nuggets meal from McDonalds for $5. Even if you’re a vegetarian. There is no judgment after 12 PM.

2. Find a cute boy, girl, significant other (someone that you trust, let’s not involve strangers) and “nuddle.” For those of you who don’t know, nuddling is cuddling but even cuter. Have that person hold you. If you want, instruct them to stroke your hair or whisper words of encouragement in your ear.

3. While you’ve got this person handy, sit down and watch The A-List (available on Netflix). Trust me. This movie will definitely cheer you up. You can mock it endlessly.

4. Remember Meredith from Grey’s Anatomy (SPOILERS). She has literally survived everything… a bomb in a body cavity, a drowning, a shooting, a plane crash, a miscarriage. She is Wonder Woman. She’s a reminder that we all go through tough times (some more than others). If she, and all women out there in the world, can make it through, so can you.

5. Listen to some rockin’ music. Strut your stuff. Dance it out. Serenade strangers in the street as you pass them– which will totally land you some strange looks, but it’s also worth it. If none of this works, turn to the Spice Girls. Spice up your life.

6. Don’t isolate yourself. It’s easier to shut yourself away from everything and deal with things on your own, but it doesn’t actually help. Surround yourself with a couple girlfriends. Talk to a cute boy. You won’t feel so alone.

7. Most importantly, laugh about it. Whatever you’re going through, find humor in it. In the grand scheme of things, it isn’t all that important. 


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