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12 GIFs to Describe the Absurd Reality of This Election

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

So in case you were living under a rock, the 2016 Presidential Election is tomorrow and with two of the most unpopular candidates of all time in the running, get ready to pop open a few bottles of wine and chug until you forget about the inescapable doomed future of this country. It’s also time to take a step back and relive some of the highlights of this past election season, because as you may know (or not know), it really was quite memorable for Clinton and Trump supporters around the globe.

I think we all could relate to the candidates while watching the debates. They literally sounded like two old grandparents arguing over how to send a text message. I mean it takes sheer talent to keep your composure as well as Hillary did when Trump threw countless temper tantrums during each round. I am forever impressed. Four for you Hillary, you go Hillary. However, when I wasn’t biting my tongue, I was letting out inevitable sighs based on the idiocracy of the whole election. Let me break it down.

1. When the FBI investigated Hillary’s emails twice and never filed charges.

2. And when Trump continued to bring up the email scandal…again… and again… and again.

3. When Trump still hasn’t released any of his returns for taxes (only candidate not to do so since 1976, by the way.)

4. When Mike Pence was chosen as Trump’s vice president even though he implemented a law banning gays from local businesses when he was an Indiana governor. But okay, whatever.

5. When Trump said anything regarding the supposed “wall” he’s going to build.

6. When Trump said “Grab ‘em by the pussy.”

7. And speaking of vagina, when Trump tried to explain how abortions work in the most eloquent and medically-accurate description of all time, claiming Hillary wants to “rip babies from the womb.”   

8. When Trump referred to Mexican immigrants as “bad hombres.”

9. When Trump claimed to know more about ISIS than U.S. generals do.

10. When Trump said nobody has more respect for women than him.

11. When Trump basically avoided answering the question to any and everything.

12. When Trump said he wouldn’t accept the result of the election if he didn’t win.

I didn’t intentionally make this article so “pro-Hillary” because the truth is, I’m not too keen on either one of the candidates. And even more so, I really don’t know the first thing about politics, but I am voting for Hillary because at least I can recognize when someone sounds like an actual buffoon like Trump. I have to keep asking myself, “How did it get to this point? How are the top presidential candidates two of the most hated people in America?” That’s an oxymoron I will never understand. Whatever, thankfully I’m graduating this year. Maybe I’ll start applying to jobs in Canada… I heard Toronto is really nice!


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