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Surviving Small School Hookups

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

In the complicated world of college hook-ups, so often the idea of what to do and how to deal with the scenario the next morning is majorly stressful. Add in the factor of a small school with high gossip potential, and it’s enough to make your stomach churn. Fortunately, there are a few ways to approach the situation with limited reputational impact—especially if you’ve caught the feels.

1) Screw the “Walk of Shame”

So many people worry about the walk of shame, but there’s nothing you should be ashamed of. Even if you feel like your hook-up was a total mistake, don’t beat yourself up about it. Life is about living and learning from your mistakes—accept the situation and move on with your bad self.

2) Rules of Text

If you liked the guy you hooked up with and you don’t know if he feels the same way or not, wait about three days before you text him. However, if he texts you, that’s a game-changer. You have to be clear with what you want, because if you don’t want anything more than a hookup, it’s only fair to be completely clear with your feelings. Leading someone on is never okay.

3) Be Honest

You need to be open with the person if you aren’t interested, especially if they are open about their feelings. You may hurt their feelings, but in the long run, you are doing what’s right and best for the both of you.

4) Acknowledge Them

In a small school, you are bound to see your one-night stand, friend with benefits or Netflix and chill buddy. This is a great opportunity to show off your killer confidence. If you see them around campus look them in the eye, acknowledge them, say “hi,” keep it simple.

5) Remember: It’s College

This is a time when you get the chance to make a few mistakes. Recognize what happened, figure out what you want and act on it. If things don’t go your way, it wasn’t meant to be. Don’t let a bad hookup prevent you from taking risks or having fun!



Shayna DePersia is from New York City. She's an Integrated Marketing and Communications major at Ithaca College's Roy H. Park School of Communications. She'd love to have a job in the creative department of an advertising agency when she graduates in 2018. While that's how she'd want to start her career off, her dreams include a talk show, and more importantly, to one day have a foster home in NYC (and expand upstate.) While she's the Social Media Director for Her Campus Ithaca (HCIC,) she loves writing articles when she can the most! P.S. You can call her Shay